I grew up in a very musical environment my family (father English mother Danish) and I were street musicians in Europe but mainly in France I made my first franc at 4 singing beebopallula .
Ive never stopped performing and singing since.
To fill in a bit Ive played with many bands and tried a couple of auditions and stuff, I work with a couple of different people now and its good like that.
I believe music is good for the soul it can make u cry it can make u high it can make u real and feel things u wouldnt feel otherwise.
I write what I would like to hear I tend to be positive in my music
Even when it sounds negative.
For a long time I wanted to help people with my music and change the world I still do but I want to have fun doing it .
I dont know if we only have this one life but if we do I really dont want to waste time feeling sad, guilty, jealous and all those feelings of inadequacy that seem to effect everybody at one point or another in their life.
I do it because I love it
Living, loving and playing music.Marcus Levyhttp://marcuslevy.skysite.dk