I only know what what I;ve learnd from past experences. I have been actively envalved in life sense day one. I've taken the lumps as they came and accepted the consiquences for my mistakes. Ive blunderd blind into one challange or another most of my life. I knew early that my only shot at learning what I needed to know was to just bow up and get at it. Ive spent a lot of time nursing the painful bruses and abrasions I recieved on the path to this peaceful place. One sure result of my search for the trooth, is I'm not as adult as I was in my youth. I once envied people with high paying jobs and positions of power. I respect their status but have come to know that most wish they could go back and learn what they missed while I was digging out, climbing through under over and around the fucking opsticales they never had to deal with.. Some lucky people arrive in this world bearing no burden or carrying any handicap. I certainly do'nt begrudge them the comfort and wealth. Though I havent as much to flaunt as some people, some would trade what they have for the accumulated confidence that only comes to those who have been down in the gravel and out in the cold .
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