THE MANEKINZ profile picture


About Me

Here is a list of some songs we have done (but not recorded) dont worry though we should be in a recording studio soon so we can blast you with our amazing songs:
2)First time we met
3)Lack of speech
4)Shoot the witch doctor
5)It's the way i feel
6)Innocent harm
7)No words needed
8)That was absaloutly brilliant!
9)Sudden Rush
10)Fed up
11)End of a dream
13)The Strokes - Reptilia

bands we have played with =]:
The Rumour
The Bedheads
High Flyer
Fallen from view
The Jack Offs
The Infected
Bleed The Skies
For love and hate
The Habadashers
An avenue approach
and more =]

My Interests


Member Since: 04/05/2006
Band Members:
Ricky Fleming - Guitarist/Vocals
Jack Barber - Drummer
Ario - Bassist
Influences: Anything That Sounds Good (Y)
Sounds Like: Sounds Like Nothing You Have Ever Heard Before!!!!!!!!!!!
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

joseph's well

gig at joe's well on monday was great ! dannys strap kept coming off tho AGAIN! which was a bit gay for him =P twas reet fun tho with some ace bands on after such as hi-flyer and bedheads =] we would...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:13:00 GMT