Old friends, new friends...pretty much anyone.
Sixty-Nine Odd Questions
Are your parents married or divorced?: Married...just not to each other. LOL
Are you a vegetarian?: Nope
Do you believe in Heaven?: Of Course
Have you ever come close to dying?: Yup
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Earings
Are you eating?: Lol, yes I am.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Depends on how it was cooked
Do you wear makeup?: Good ole blistex, that' />
Would you ever have plastic surgery?: For what?
What do you wear to bed?: LMAO, can't answer that one
Have you ever done anything illegal?: Ummmm, uhhhh...Me..illegal? Naw...Never (not that i recall)
Can you roll your tounge?: Sure can
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: Nope
Do you believe in Abortions?: Me personally, NO... But it's a woman's choice
What is your Hair color?: Right now, brown , black and red
Future child's name, boy and girl?: Jaylen and Sydney
Do you smoke?: No
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?: Europe
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Does a certain beenie baby count?
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Help my family
Gold or silver?: Silver please
Hamburger or hot dog?: Hot dog...4 my B'more peeps Hot dug. LOL
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: How u gonna ask me what ONE food would I eat. That's not even fair
City, beach or country?: Country
What was the last thing you touched?: The keyboard on my computer(clearly i have to touch the keys in order to type this)
Where did you eat last?: Home
When's the last time you cried?: Grand-dad's funeral
Do you read blogs?: Sometimes
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: If I felt like it
Ever been involved with the police?: Lil ole me....naw
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?: Don't really have a fav
Do you talk in your sleep?: Not that I know of
Ocean or pool?: Ocean
What's your favorite song at the moment: Silent Tears
have you ever had a cavity?: Helll yeah...got some now...need to get that taken care of.
Window seat or aisle seats?: Aisle.. gotta strech my legs
Ever met anyone famous?: Don't think I have
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: Not to me
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl
What is your fav. sport to play?: Football
Basketball or football?: Football
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?: WTF...y?
Do you drive a stick?: Yup
Cake or ice cream?: Y can't I have both??
Are you self-conscious?: nope
Do you like any of your close friends?: If I didn't don't think i would call them close.
Have you ever given money to a bum?: no...gave a bum some food tho..he said he was hungry
Have you been in love?: Yes
Where do you wish you were?: With my boo
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?: Cause she's my sister
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: Nope
Can you tango?: a lil
Last gift you received?: LOL (sum1 knows y i'm laughin)
What occasion did you recieve your gift?: Just Because
Last thing you spent lots of money on?: fixin the damn car
Where do you live?: In a house
Last wedding attended.: Can't remember
Favorite restaurant?: Cheesecake Factory
What is your favorite kind of car?: One that is mine
Most hated food(s): Sushi
Most loved food(s)?: Everything but sushi..lol
Can you sing?: Yes
Person on your mind?: My Boo
What's your least fav. chores?: ??? uh???
Favorite drink?: Alcoholic or non-acoholic?
Currently have a Crush?: Yup
How long was your longest drive in a car?: 17 hours
Why do you do Myspace surveys?: Cause I'm bored....duh
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?: Who da fuk is that?
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