My name is Sammy and i'm an alcoholic!
I'm awesome!... I like to get steemin!... Mon the Blaow!!
I live in Craignamistan with my little boy Ben, and our crazy mutt, Dice.
They're both mental <3
There is also my other boys:
Noodles the rat
and Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr the Goldfish <3<3
(r.i.p. Miss Anne Uumellmahaye)
I'm immature and love it! :)
Most of my time is spent in the lovely pub that is Girdwoods :D I can usually be found runnin around pished/ gettin beat up lol/ dancin like a tit/ Just generally makin an arse of maself :) ...if u see me, buy me a drink, coz i'm poor! :(
If i'm not in there, I'll be at home, sittin on Msn and Myspace, watchin cartoons wi the wee man!
I love movies! All types of movies! Mostly Comedies, But also Horrors!! The crapper, cheaper & cheesier the better!! They also have to be GORY! Blood n guts are always funny!!!
And I have my lovely Big cousin Mark and Big Bro Barry to thank for my sick disturbed little mind! ...THANKS!!
Best pals you could ever ask for :D ♥
Love you guys!
You cannot defy the rules of Eeny Meeny Miny Mo!
Sammy --
A real life terminator
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