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Successful people are always the most fascinating people to talk to. They are go-getters that never cease to motivate me. Who knew that a little daring, and little balls, and some investment could make you MILLIONS! go figure...i'll be one of those people in the next few years.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
Straight up Hip Hop and slow jams that makes you wanna rock the house all night long...Oh YeaH! DJ Chuckfader and DJ PLO are gonna make those jams happen..."Make out sessions Jams 1, 2 and 3" "Gonna get me some that Jams 1, 2 and 3" and finally "I'm Done with your ass Jams 1, 2, 3" ahah
anything but horribly scary movies! I love movies that makes me cry (its a catharsis for me) hilarious movies, and also historical movies.
I'm in love with the most silliest shows like So You Think You Can Dance, Making the Band 4, Americas Next Top Model, Dirty Jobs, Modern Marvels, anything National Geographic, True Hollywood Stories, and Law and Order.
i know, i sounds corny and utterly brainless but i absolutely adore romance novels (oh and Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series)
All my dearest friends who I have been friends with since high school! Friends that last this long are always few and far in between, I will always cherish my friendships 3