I'm in to a little bit of everything! You only get the chance to live life once so you should live it up with out regrets! Meet as many people as you can and learn as much from them as possible! Life gives you countless oppertnities and its crazy that some people just don't take them! Shrug off the drama and not needed bullshit- you can't make everyone happy all the time so there will always be at least one person trying to drag you down! Hold your head high and stay proud! Live by your own self definition and never let others edit your own opinions!
I have already met him and I couldn't ask for anything more! (Well..okay maybe for him to come home haha)He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't have ever been the person I am today with out kowing him and having him in my life! =) He is my heart and my BESTfriend! I love him more than anything! I love you David!
My family! I would be nothing with out my mom and brother! Don't know what I would do with out 'em!