KUSARI GAMA KILL profile picture


About Me

"Kusari Gama Kill is a great example of modern grind/noisecore from Denmark. A seriously original spray of sounds designed to melt the plate in your head."
Jake Cregger, Jesus of Nazareth
"Kusari Gama Kill are one of the cooler noisecore bands on the RONF label, playing a ferocious style of synthetic grind that uses blasts of raging noise along the lines of Merzbow, Masonna, or Incapacitants, deep, heavily processed death metal vocals mutated by tons of FX and pitch shifting, evil robot chanting and vocoder abuse, harsh electronic textures and bizarre samples, and over-the-top drum machine programming that drills through your skull at 800 bpm. The lack of guitars or bass sets this apart from alot of other digital-grinders and makes these short, twenty second spasms sound totally alien and inorganic; this is severely fucked extreme music that makes me think of old noisecore stuff like Sore Throat or Fear Of God being hurtled through the trippy spaceship noise chaos of K.K. Null's solo electronics and the chopped-up, spastic electronica of Venetian Snares."
From Crucial Blast review of Dead Animal Noise Party
"This shit is completely out of control as brutal electronic noise and lightspeed machine blasts hurtle out of your speakers uncontrollably, like hearing early Napalm Death being subsumed into the Borg hive-mind and mashed together with Dataclast, Bastard Noise, Noism and Merzbow and spat back out in fifteen second chunks of skull-imploding power. Fuck! What makes this so crushing is that Kusari Gama Kill actually have a pretty massive recording that makes their industrial white-noise chaosgrind sound thick and devestating..."
From Crucial Blast review of Noisecore Extravaganza
Noisecore/noisegrind from Denmark. Electronic duo making short and noisy tracks. Inspiration is noisecore, grindcore, japanoise, goregrind and fun.
Kusari Gama Kill was born in april 2006 as the deformed brain child of Martin Weile and Janus Blomfroe. The idea was to make harsh noise with blast beats and death metal/grindcore/punk vocals. So far we have made more than 250 songs doing this. Martin handles the synths (free vst's mainly) and does the graphics. Janus takes care of drum machine abuse and vocals.
We are always looking for opportunities to play lave. We love to terrorize an audience. Kusari Gama Kill shows are short and extreme.
Buy your very own Kusari Gama Kill t-shirt at Cafepress !
A medley of 4 songs on the first Iwithsiae Records compilation cd-r
A medley of the 10 whale-tracks on R.O.N.F. Records' first online compilation
Split cd-r with Colico (Equador)
A medley of some new songs on the second R.O.N.F. Records Net-Compilaiton
40 tracks on R.O.N.F. Records' first 4 Way Split cdr.
15 tracks on BSBTA 4 way split cd-r
Dead Animal Noise Party - DIY album 99 songs cd-r
You can buy the album at R.O.N.F Records !
"Dead Animal Noise Party sounds like a possessed video game!" The user moozz on last.fm
VAIN Split cd-r with Jesus of Nazareth out now on R.O.N.F Records
1 track on "Destroy After Use" 6-way split on S.A.O.R.S. Records
3" split with Funslaughter
Noisecore Extravaganza - our second album, released by R.O.N.F. Records. You can buy the album at R.O.N.F Records !
Coming up:
7" split with French Sarkofachocrss88 out sometime when you least expect it
4 way split with Hohenkontrolle, Combat Cunt and Seven Minutes of Nausea.
Split with Herpes.
Split with Dental Work
Split tape with Deche-Charge and two other bands
Split 7" with Wadge WE NEED A LABEL FOR THIS!!!
I horrendously molested my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 04/05/2006
Band Website: http://www.kusarigamakill.com/
Band Members: Janus Blomfroe : drum programming and vocals
Martin Weile : noise and graphics

[email protected]
Influences: Noise, inhuman death-growls and blast beats
Sounds Like: Noisecore, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Noisegrind, Potabilizadora, Disgrace to the Corpse of Sid-era Sore Throat, Abisyeikah, Nihilist Commando, J-pop, The Gerogerigegege and general noise
Record Label: R.O.N.F. Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New track up today

Hi all, we are proud to tell you that the first track from our next album is up here at myspace today. It is called People of the Swamp.The lyrics go:InbredPeople of the swampThe song is about my cous...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 00:46:00 GMT


Hi there, the great band Wadge have agreed to make a split 7" with Kusari Gama Kill. All we need is a label, so if you run one, and want to release such a sweet package, let me know!JanusWadge on Mysp...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 23:20:00 GMT

New video! Made by Feralfangmedia!

This instant classic is made by http://www.youtube.com/user/FeralfangmediaEnjoy!
Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 08:58:00 GMT

20.000 beautiful moments!

We have now had 20.000 visits on this page! Thank you all for your support!
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 01:10:00 GMT

Help us play at the Roskilde Festival

 Dear all, we would really really like to play at this years Roskilde Festival, so please go to the link below:http://www.roskilde-festival.dk/2009/frontpage/Click "Send Band Requests" and wish for Ku...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:47:00 GMT

Best of 2008

Hi there, I thought it would be nice for you to see what I (Janus) have been listening to in 2008, this is the stuff that has inspired me to write all the songs Kusari Gama Kill have made this year, s...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 05:36:00 GMT

Yay, 17000 visitors!

Thank you all so much! It is an honour to have this many visits. As a treat for you I'll put up a new song for you today, from the upcoming split with noisegods Herpes. Have fun, and come see us play ...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 01:22:00 GMT

Dead Animal Noise Party review from Crucial Blast

  This is taken from http://www.crucialblastshop.net/ "Following their recent split CD-R with Jesus Of Nazareth that also came out on RONF, the Danish Egrind duo Kusari Gama Kill return with ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 00:55:00 GMT

New songs up

Two new songs up here! They are called Is it Love? & Total Annihilation Through Frantic Thrash, they are for the upcoming split with Herpes!
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 00:03:00 GMT

15000 visits and 1200 friends and more!

Thank you! To all you nice people who have visited us, and become our friends. We are hard at work finishing the artwork for Noisecore Extravaganza, so hopefully you will see it at R.O.N.F.'s webstore...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:26:00 GMT