ABC's of Toast... |
Ok so this was a facebook viral over information thing, but I couldnt figure out how to find the note feature, but I had so much fun filling it out I had to post it somewhere. I will say this much...... Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 20:13:00 GMT |
tion's... |
tions& Well lets start with addiction. I have come the recent conclusion that I am an addict. Hello. My name is Shawn O'Toole and I am a Match.comaholic. The last time ... Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 05:56:00 GMT |
The question that started as one, turned two and now grows more! Also one I'm done answering! |
A little background... The e-mail posted below was to the invited voyeur I mentioned earlier with critique on all that is, well to put it in an apt but ironic descriptive phrase it is better stated th... Posted by on Sun, 31 May 2009 14:20:00 GMT |
The power of chemical balance! |
I just though I would share a few random thought on
meds. Ive never been a big believer of
meds, but for the purpose of balance I am now a proclaimed fan of Meds
(chemical balance kind only). So... Posted by on Tue, 26 May 2009 22:52:00 GMT |
The question that became two... |
Enter May eighteenth. On this day I decided to scrap a blog of ridiculous length that had taken the better part of a week to write, yes I realize that as you read this it is likely the 21st, 22nd, or... Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 19:00:00 GMT |
A Mothers day strong enough to take the wind from me, but not completely! |
Those that know me well know that my Mother has not spoken to me in sixteen years! I'm at peace with that. Today is normally a day that I have great difficulties with, but I breezed through this one... Posted by on Sun, 10 May 2009 20:45:00 GMT |
Finding Myself. |
Here I sit only five days after a post that was sixteen days in the making. Resolve seems to come easiest in times of personal adversity. For the first time in seven days I've stopped moving, literall... Posted by on Fri, 08 May 2009 19:22:00 GMT |
Losing myself... |
Losing myself...A Five month lapse in posting last time around, only sixteen days this time. New month new update as my intent is to return to monthly blogs. A pretty thin post one would think. Wha... Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 13:20:00 GMT |
5 months worth... |
Myspace as it seems has faded in the long shadow of all that is Facebook. I have come to realize something in recent weeks& I just dont feel comfortable blogging on Facebook. Too many eyes of peopl... Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 15:42:00 GMT |
Is there anybody out there? |
Is there anybody out there? The Pink Floyd song that shares the title to this entry found its way forward on my latest I-pod shuffle. The slow soft guitar seems almost cheery in a melancho... Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 05:41:00 GMT |