About Me
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I'm nothing other than your average 25 year old...apart from a few things...I own my near-new car outright, I have two degrees, and I am the size of your average 4 year old (but I am yet to be the shortest member of the extended family). I spose sharing the stage with Adam Hills twice in one night kinda makes me stand apart from the crowd a little too...
I'm a social worker. I am currently searching for jobs, would love to end up working in a children's hospital, but I need to build up my skills before that happens. I don't think I'll be doing social work my whole life, but you've gotta start somewhere.
I live for comedy. I love stand-up, Adam Hills is by far my favourite, not only is he funny, but he's a lovely guy too. Don't mind a bit of physical comedy either, ala Lano and Woodley and the Umbilical Brothers. Have a soft spot for musical comedy, especially Sammy J and Tim Minchin, and Paul McDermott in his many guises.
I'm a bit of a sucker for live music too - whether that be a successful international artist, or local pub bands.
Street performers also spark my interest - they're just so damn clever. Have seen quite a few over the years at the Taste, and have become so intrigued with the art that I ran away to join the circus for a few days in Feb 09.
Travel is something I have begun dabbling in. I am slowly making may way around Australia, as I figure if I can cope ok in Aussie cities, I won't freak out so much when I eventually head overseas. The UK is defiantely on the cards, as well as anywhere I have friends/family to help me out, either with accommodation, or tour-guide duties. Also where there are comedy or street performance festivals on....
My Blog
releasing the inner bookworm...
1. What are you reading now? Or what book is lying on your bedside table or on the floor?
The Prestige - can't remember who wrote it, but its been adapted into a film starring (amongst others) Hugh...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Aug 2009 04:33:00 GMT
Letters End - A SpoonTree Production
First and foremost, what a cool name for a production company! Spoontree!!Last
night, on a whim, I went to see Letters End at the Devonport
Entertainment and Convention Centre. I had been umming and...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 04:00:00 GMT
Roadshow Rocks Up
So, the final comedy show for the time being has come and gone. And what a show it was!!I always look forward to the Roadshow, cos it a chance to see some pretty good comedians (Tim Minchin made an a...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 19:02:00 GMT
Re-Inflated @ Wrest Point
Some people will think I am mad for seeing Adam twice in as many months...maybe I am, but if I wasn't able to get to the Festival for whatever reason, I didn't want to miss out! Added that the reason...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 00:23:00 GMT
Comedy Fest 2009: Day Three
Day Three&Once again Ness went off to Jeeze Louise, leaving Tans and I to fend for ourselves. Which turned into Tansy having to fend for herself after breakfast and heading to Fed Square, I felt so...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 01:17:00 GMT
Comedy Fest 2009: Day Two
Day Two&After saying goodbye to ..Ness.. (who was doing the Jeeze Louise workshop), Tansy and I headed off in the general direction of the Town Hall in search for brekkie. After re-fuelling, we cross...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 01:08:00 GMT
Comedy Fest 2009: Pre Show Banter, Day One
Pre-show banter&Well, my comedy festival adventures began a few days before I actually arrived, as my two comrades arrived on the 1st. I was inundated with calls and text messages, saying whod they...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 03:39:00 GMT
Ten Days on the Big Island...Part 6
29th November On the road againHad a wonderful sleep makes a difference when you arent on a bed that squeaks every time you move, and youre the only one in the room. .r{} @font-face {font-fami...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 17:15:00 GMT
Ten Days on the Big Island...Part 5
28th November Back to SydneyAt 2:45am (which lets face it, is still the night before), my alarm went off so I could get myself organised to get to Southern Cross Station to get a bus to Avalon to ca...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 17:08:00 GMT
Ten Days on the Big Island...Part 4
27th November Return to Melbourne as does the Spinning Wheel. Another early start&kinda full of drama my phone battery died, so I wasnt contactable by anyone! Which caused Tansy and Ness to panic...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 16:58:00 GMT