BLooDy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

WEll FOr One I HaTE GOd aND AnyOne NOt wHITe. I Get labbeLEd aS A FrEAk. I LovE GOinG TO coNceRTS ANd MosHINg. I ENjoY SpenDing MOSt Of My tiME GeTTIng High. I LIKe PeircinGS ANd TattooS. I LOVe tO paRty aNd DesTROy Stuff. I'm USally a NICe GuY. I joKE arOUnd AloT AnD Am VERy outGoinG. I speND MOsT Of mY tiME With My gF ANd My BesT FRIEnd GEttinG HIgh ANd juST HAngING OUt.

My Interests

I EnjoY MosHINg, TAkINg DRuGS, SeX, WAtchINg TriPPy MOVies, DraWiNG, HEavy MEtaL

I'd like to meet:

ANy OnE wHo EnjoYs THe SAMe THings AS Me ANd PeOPle WhO ArE GOTh


WEll I'll JUst MAke A LisT Of THe baNDs THat I lisTEN tO KOrn, SLipKnot, StaTIc-X, KIttie, MArilYN ManSOn, TooL, NIN,RoB ZoMBie, PApa RoAch, S.O.A.D., MSI, DaRK TRanQuiLLity, DroWNINg POOl, RaMMsteIN, DistURBed, COal CHaMBer,MURder dollS, MuSHrooM HEAd, FIngeR ELevEn, OzZy tHats A FeW NoT aLL


I TeND tO WatcH aLoT Of MoviES BuT USaLLY DOn't sEE ALL oF tHe MOVie. FAvorITe MOvies ARe The CeLL, STigMata, fIGht CluB, ANy CHeecH aNd CHOng, ANd MosT Horror.


I TrY NoT To WATch TO muCH TV thEre ArE MANy mORE ImpORtant ThiNGs I COulD BE DOing. WheN I dO waTch Tv I LIke To WatCH THat 70's SHow, BuffY, ANgEL, MUch LouD, anD CartooNs.


I DoN't REAlly ReAD OTHer THeN iN SchOOL aND OnliNe