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Yo fumo blunts todo los dias y pongo pol el internet tambien.Heyz... You guys are probably not gonna believe this but... Have you guys been the QT's asking me where I get my boob and butt plumper???? Well I don't have a myspace, so I'm using my friends computer intenet accounts... but I can tell ya where to get tons of FREE boob/butt plumper and ringtones and giftcards. FREEEEEE!!!! Don't tell anyone though! Because I'm not sending this spammy message to anyone and everyone!!! These are top secret savings. Click below to make many friends and receive things for absolutely FREE! Listen to my friends band and vote for them when you get a chance, too. Peace.Click here to get FREE CRAP!!!I used to believe that the mysterious little holes in the crotches of my underwears were caused by my vaginal secretions. They smell like glue. My vaginal secretions seem like they might have the potential to produce problems such as said porous panty parts. I was so naive. I'm way more mature now. I now know, that it was my dog, Spunky, chewing the holes in my panties. He eats my discharges, and takes some of my cotton crotch liner along with them. I caught the little bastard in the act, that's how I know. I invited him up to sleep with me one night... slept with my legs spread open (on purpose,) and fell asleep. I didnt mean to fall asleep, but I did anyhow. When I woke up, sure enough... his head was burried in between my legs and my undies were tore up. Some lessons must be learned teh hard way.
Bar fights. I get crunk in clubs and clock cunts till they cant c straight. If a bitch be fuckin with my man, I'll beat her ass, and lift her valuables cause thats whats comin to her... He's mine and thats what she deserves. I'm all about fist fighting frumpy old ho's wearing floral frocks who cant keep their eyes to themselves. They may think they're badass, but they're not. THEY'RE NOT BADASS! THEY'RE NOT BADASS! WOULD THEY DIE FOR YOU?!? I would die for you.NOTE: *Sometimes my poop gets stuck halfway out of my butt. I rock back and forth on the commode... maybe take my moms little bubble bath spoon, and try to scoop the big hard pieces of poop out. When I do that, I'll occasionally get a little bit of bloody stool. The blood kinda scares me and my mom, so I'll quit with the spoon and just squeeze my butt cheecks together really tightly till my face turns red. I really hate it when the squeezing forces my tampon (not even hardly used all the way) out. I have to wring it out and push it back in with my finger if I cant find the plastic applicator in the garbage.*
F.Y.I.- I don't like the way my ear wax tastes. I don't even like the way it tastes when I rub the area behind my ear, and then rub my lip with that finger... and then lick my lip. Sometimes I let my toenails grow too long. When this happens I take a toothpick, and scrape under the toenail in the corner part. I don't like the way that smells, so I don't try to taste it. I like to sit on couches, and smoke pot while watching programs in other languages.