Alright this hasn't been updated in a long while. It's rather hard to describe yourself, unless you're superficial and vain like I am! :P
Okay, so key things to know about me. I love sushi, RPG games (Final Fantasy), X-men, dogs (not small ones, you eat those), and school :P I actually think I want to be a professional student. There's some definite safety in that I think.
So I'm a 4th year student at YORK (!! WOOT !!) University studying criminology. Really interesting, but not what I want to do with my life. I'd rather teach to be honest... and shut up, it's not the default setting! I just love the idea of being able to manipulate hordes of young impressionable minds to my every bidding.
Just so you know, I'm 1 Part Greek, 1 Part Mainland China (My dad was born and raised in Trinidad and is not very Chinese anymore), 100% high-bred :P And wes, I caan speaka da Chinese ah!
UPDATE (APRIL 1, 07): If you look at my background and chuckle, even if it's only on the inside, then you and I will get along just swell. If you read it and roll your eyes, even if it's only on the inside, you'd probably do well to ignore me :( haha
Oh last but CERTAINLY not least! If I don't know you (yet), please message me first before Friend Requesting. I get so many that appear fake that I'm just in the habit of denying them. And if you are spam, I don't know how you'd be reading this, BUT if you are! Fuck off! thanks! :)
I have tons of respect for Rob Dyer and the movement he started called Skate4Cancer.
Go check out his MySpace by clicking here
and support him if you can!
Times New Roman, Times, serif""We
may not raise enough money to change the world, but we may be able to raise
enough people to change the world."