Mark profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Alright this hasn't been updated in a long while. It's rather hard to describe yourself, unless you're superficial and vain like I am! :P
Okay, so key things to know about me. I love sushi, RPG games (Final Fantasy), X-men, dogs (not small ones, you eat those), and school :P I actually think I want to be a professional student. There's some definite safety in that I think.
So I'm a 4th year student at YORK (!! WOOT !!) University studying criminology. Really interesting, but not what I want to do with my life. I'd rather teach to be honest... and shut up, it's not the default setting! I just love the idea of being able to manipulate hordes of young impressionable minds to my every bidding.
Just so you know, I'm 1 Part Greek, 1 Part Mainland China (My dad was born and raised in Trinidad and is not very Chinese anymore), 100% high-bred :P And wes, I caan speaka da Chinese ah!
UPDATE (APRIL 1, 07): If you look at my background and chuckle, even if it's only on the inside, then you and I will get along just swell. If you read it and roll your eyes, even if it's only on the inside, you'd probably do well to ignore me :( haha
Oh last but CERTAINLY not least! If I don't know you (yet), please message me first before Friend Requesting. I get so many that appear fake that I'm just in the habit of denying them. And if you are spam, I don't know how you'd be reading this, BUT if you are! Fuck off! thanks! :)
I have tons of respect for Rob Dyer and the movement he started called Skate4Cancer. Go check out his MySpace by clicking here and support him if you can!
Times New Roman, Times, serif""We may not raise enough money to change the world, but we may be able to raise enough people to change the world."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really who can keep up. I love hitting the clubs and staying until the lights come on and the gay people scatter in fear of ruining their hookups ;) Don't be afraid to send hate messages either heh.

"Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Don't be resigned to that. Break out!

- John Keating to his class in Dead Poets Society

My Blog

Today’s Complacency - Why Sienfeld was kickass

For all you people who thought the last episode of Seinfeld was a piece of crap... this one is for you: The fact is we live in a really shitty western world of complacency - we sit back and do nothi...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 13:26:00 GMT


Hey guys! I'm totally too smashed to right much here but I'd love all of my fellow Torontonians to know about the MUST SEES of Nuit Blanche 2007. The guys in Tourism (Special Events) have been working...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 01:09:00 GMT

S4C and Myspace Impact Awards - Please Read! :)

Hey, one of my bi-annual bulletins :P For those of you I haven't talked in to for awhile I apologize, exams started early for me this term. Will be done by Tuesday thankfully...BUT, more importantly...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 20:57:00 GMT

I'm Loving Jay Brannan of Shortbus (Soda Shop)

He's got such a smooth voice and it helps that he's incredibly attractive. I wanna see him live damnit... Kind of a lot of talking at first but when he gets to the music its awesom...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 15:23:00 GMT

To: Speedy Sir Veejay (Who Is Not Allowed to Read This)

Holy randomness! Christmas has come early this year for Mark (how cliché I know :P)!   Alright Mr. T, this is where you stop reading& right here!So I recently met this guy Matt  he's such a fuck...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 21:37:00 GMT

This Woman Turns Me On

Jennifer Holliday is the fucking shit! This is also more evidence that black people are way cooler than white folk... poor whitey :(No no no nooooo way! Ughh hot.
Posted by on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 22:51:00 GMT

Come Say Hi THIS THURSDAY (November 23)

A Toronto Art Show Public View:Location:Cost: Thursday, November 23, 6-10pm1390 Danforth Ave. E. - North Side(Between Coxwell and Greenwood) Free I wanted to get the word out on an awes...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:21:00 GMT

My Rant on York Grassroots (aka Astroturfing)

So I've timed this with the sentimentality of Remembrance Day. (For my American friends: we recognize the veterans of WWI and other wars with ceremonies surrounding the eleventh hour, of the eleventh ...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:47:00 GMT

True friends come and go, but a precious few...

Hey!I'm keeping to my standard that I can only handle 100 MySpace friends because really, anything over 50 seems difficult :PIf you're no longer on my list its probably because we never talk... sorry!...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:08:00 GMT

Toronto Pride 2006

Day 1 (Friday 23)Admittedly, despite our best efforts, our Friday was a bit of a flop as far as venues was concerned. Buddies would have been packed if they didn't open up both rooms! But we h...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 19:49:00 GMT