life, living it and learning more from it while i'm still young. Also to find the hidden treasures of Life itself, to have my prayers answered and meet new people.
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Loving someone is hard at times when you been hurt several times in the past. Especially from the house of God, the ones who are to love you as they love themselves. So a fearful block is build that is felt deepy by the one who loves you, and no matter how you try to play it, it shows. But God at the cross crushed all of the negatives we face in life... if we only believe and stand in faith with out fear, on the the power and athority He has already placed on our hearts. The final battle is not in the flesh with the person you love, but with in your own mind, against yourself as a soldier of Christ, (were you standing in your walk) and the principalities and powers around us in high places. My girlfriend, my prayer partner, my fasting partner, Eva mi corazon, and sister in Christ, the time will come when we will have nothing to pray for, but everything to be thankful for... forgive me I love you girl- richy ..
Paul wilbert, DC talk, Sonic Food, Pink Floyed, Truce, Flam-
The cross and the switch blade
Not gonna hide it Spong Bob make me laugh but T.V. is blinding it takes time away from God and from fellowship with other believers, it control even the soul of many, it is their God, freedom from reality with lies of the very pit of hell...
He came to set the captive free, by Rebbecca Browm; Pigs in the Parlor, a deliverance book, by Frank and Ida Hammond; The spiritual man, by watchman Nee.
lol Haha this is an easy one, One life; One love; Jesus Christ is His name