About Me
IIIII LLLLIIIKKKKEEEEE: piggy back rides, thriftness, swiftness, killin time, making a spectacular spectacle of meself, not being ripped, living with my dwarf cousin charlie (dont call him chuckie), entertaining, feeding, watching scary movies with not so scary people, gatherings in small crowds (no more than 10), travel, my cat, Anachronisms, being the champion of alliterations, arguing with Caity Tingo(about anything), beer(s), ciggys, ciggy holders, hoarding things, whoring things, dancing with black women, falling, productivness, the word AUCTION, bears that eat marshmallows, bloc party, of montreal, pianos, kings of leon, jews, fighting, people who cry in front of me, making up, not giving appologies, knowing when to quit, my sister, my mom, my home, my sudden brilliance, showers, showers with friends, sports involving the sole use of ones feet, my car when it wasnt angry with me, being financally stable (thats at least 20 quid in the bank), and you.IIII DISLIKKKKKE: Watching people eat, attention whores, people who make gross spectacles of themselves, over abusers, scratch-bite-punching, being told paper-rock-scissors is rock-paper-scissors, loosing paper-rock-scissors, having to drive everywhere, my inability to be patient, my lack of clothing, people who have a nasal tone to there voice, those who are monotonist, marty bums, german blocks, florida, alabama, parts of france, frenchies, Jerry Seinfield, anyone who was on Seinfield, people who say "Bro' or "Bra", waking up before 7am, going to sleep before 10pm, eating fastfood, living expenses, management, vultures, empty sacks, empty bowls, empty wallets, lack of condoms, broken records and record players, people who cant sing (but they do anyways), arguments with people other than caity tingo, less than 10 dollars an hour, petty work, grand theft anything, sabotage, Insubordination in grandeur, bitchy retailist, being be-littled, college "students" who dont know what to do with there lives at the age of 20, working at disney for more than 2 years, keeping quiet, being still, being sick, country music, my parents age and how they act defeated, the lack of a brother figure in my life, the hard times my sister had to go through (just so she could be amazing today), longing to be left alone, heat, humidity, jellyfish, shin splits, staph infections, hospitals, owing people money, lending out money, white socks as gifts, cleaning, american football, american sports on the hole :), my cat, and you.
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