Passion. its my favorite virtue. My entire life is aimed towards the fullfilment of own passions and I will stop at nothing to acheive my goals. I respect people with goals and find those that have no dreams and desires to be hollow, empty, and almost helpless people. Without dreams we have nothing. I was raised by the golden rule and stand by it completely. You do onto others as you would have do onto you. Success is my focus and that about sums me up.
Kane "Insane" Friesen
25 - February 21, 1982 - Pisces
Edmonton Alberta Canada
(2) '07 zx6r Ninjas
'06 zx10R
'03 zx6R
Worst Crash or Injury: 85mph Tankslapper on a Las Vegas street, Broken Ribs and Right Heel. Road Rash.
Longest Wheelie:
11.7 Miles
Fastest Stoppie:
~900Ft @ ~137 mph
Street Extreme Goals:
"My personal goals for myself, my sponsors and the Street Extreme sport really revolves around the hopes and dreams of someday being an acknowledged sanctioned bodied sport. I just want to do anything in my power to help elevate the sport as a whole to a new level, whether in the form of pushing the riding to a plateau not yet reached and by bringing the attention and support of as many companies and business as possible. This Sport is the passion of my life and I dedicate myself to it fully!"
"I started riding when I was 18, graduated highschool and sold my exceedingly expensive '96 Ford Mustang. I bought a used '98 Kawi Zx6R. Loved it. Couldnt ride it like a normal person. Ever. I was always driving it around the block backwards, doing wheelies on the way to college. Rode it to work everyday on the back... I got a lot of tickets back then. I think I had my own spot at the Las Vegas impound yard too! haha. I've always taken my riding pretty serious. More then just fun. I quit my day job early summer of '04, alongside my boy Keith did the same. We just kinda started chasing our dreams of riding bikes for a living. So far its been pretty intense I gotta say. A lot of great expeirences. A lot of learning. A lot of growth. I dont regreat a moment of it yet, and hope I never do. One step forward Three steps back is how it feels some days, but I still beleive that its all worth it for those Two steps! see ya at X-games.. I hope!
AOL Instant Messanger: Kaneone21 ICQ: 308520
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