Cole D. profile picture

Cole D.

I live in a trailor, it is by a river, the mississippi river to be specific, cool huh...

About Me

My name is Cole and I like that, I also like coitus, the physical act of love (if you havn't seen The Big Lebowski you don't get it). I also enjoy the company of fun people, so if you concider yourself a fun people, you can come hang out with me whenever you want because when two fun people get together the fun factor is doubled. Well I really don't feel like typing anymore right now so if you want to know more just ask and I might tell you... MYSPACELAYOUTSPY CODE START --
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My Interests

Soccer, snowboarding, hockey, golf, basketball, rugby, baseball, fishing, hunting, boating, sledding, water sports, movies, girls and anything that gets me away from school work.

I'd like to meet:

Real people only please, fake people suck and monsters scare me. Thanks


Seriously, everything. That is not because I am indecisive, it is because I am well cultured (it would sound better if I could spell).




I enjoy watching adult swim, pretty much all of it other than them Japanamation shows, I dont like those ones at all.


I don't read books. I don't like using my brain for something that I find to be so friggen boring. Major props to writers of books tho, they rule.


Scooby-Doo and Meatwad from ATHF.

My Blog

just a little sad

I love you so much that growing apart brings me more pain than the knife that is prepared to plunge into my chest ever could bare As I sit in this chair, blade in hand, tears begin to swell in my eyes...
Posted by Cole D. on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 01:45:00 PST

My bed

i built a loft for my room in my new trailer. it is pretty sweet i guess. you should come see it.
Posted by Cole D. on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 04:50:00 PST


some days i just feel like a worthless waste of existance. these are the days i want to leave this forsaken life.
Posted by Cole D. on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 04:03:00 PST

Random shit...

so i fucked my winter up this weekend due to snowboarding (totally worth it tho). i had a job that i was supposed to start on monday (the 12th) but i broke my clavia and seperated my AC joint, for tho...
Posted by Cole D. on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:35:00 PST

New People

when you are standing in the middle of that field looking at the thousands of fans cheering you on remember that you didnt want to get here because of them, when you cross the finish line know that al...
Posted by Cole D. on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 11:02:00 PST

you dont know shit

i am really tired of people who think they know me trying to "help" me when in fact they are just slowing my progress. i know they mean well but i wish they would just stay out of my shit.
Posted by Cole D. on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:53:00 PST


So I think I am dropping out of school after this semester and I am going to move to Colorado for the winter. Well that is what I would like to do unfortunately it probably won't happen due to insuffi...
Posted by Cole D. on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 08:12:00 PST


So I know this girl and every time I look at her picture I get real happy because she makes me happy. She doesn't even have to do anything, just sit there and it makes me smile to see her. It is like ...
Posted by Cole D. on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 10:45:00 PST


Do you ever feel like life is falling apart and you have no controll over it? It sucks ass.
Posted by Cole D. on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 06:25:00 PST

Why is it so fucken difficult?!?!?!?!?!

So I am listening to a song that a girl I know told me about and for some reason it explains every emotion I have ever felt for her and some of those that I still do. The song is Strange and Beautiful...
Posted by Cole D. on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:15:00 PST