Magic Mel profile picture

Magic Mel

I am here for Networking

About Me

I NEVER KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THESE THERE ISNT ENUFF ROOM FOR THE AMONUT OF BABBLE I COULD GO ON WITH BUT AT THE MOMENT LIFE IS all BLESS AND IM LOOKING 4WARD TO 2008. LIFE IS LOOKING UP AND THERE ARE MANY PPL IM GONNA THANK 1ST GOD 2ND MUM 3RD FRENZIK 4TH SHORTZ 5TH ALL MY FAMILY (INCLUDING MY V.CLOSE M8S U KNOW WHO U R AND If I AINT MENTIONED U SOZ REMIND ME) 6TH SAMMY U KNOW WHO U R (HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE) 7TH LIZ 8th lily allen 4 being so honest about life curt cobain, teaching me the wirte way and how 2 fine the lights at the end of the tunnels, ur spirits been with ne for a really long time and i want u to bless me 4 all eternity, I love spredaing the workd of the Lord and whaen i tell ppl have ui heard of K?URT COBAIN they soon realise i anit the psycho i once was it has reakky taken me a long time 2 ackenowledge this and all i can say is speakinf 2 the dead isnt really that scary if iu r looking dof tjoedajdnce. i know rthaaaat the noodsl takekrjfnd ejre tjhrehwn tofdklj fjerkakle bkhfty skjdionkfdnjrth fthrkjhtrhjatajektlksdngr tyhafnlkthrjkhghjkftjhiorhklfdghkrjthjknflfkhtrjhfadfhnryhrf ahtrjhafnhjklyhurihglkaghruitghorhngjkathriuhnkahngjkrthorih ngfjthrouiyhtoghajkthroiatiakghirahtioahgokfagjaklhtruioahoi ahnfdathaoirfakohraiotuoiagnkfjyh589urjpfoehngrui6yt84iojmfi ghuriyioehngruityioujrfopadjioruytpoafjofighoriujfodjfiotyoi aejfiothgiorujfidosghiorstjgiosgjiofsiujgsiotjgrojgiosftyior ejiorthiorwutjopjgiortur9iojirhtruiwujiosohgiorytoirtghuiyhw iutheoirhtiuyhotiegnfjsht8riohjrshtiorhtuirshgiorhthnrsjkfgs jhoesroitrhtoidsghdsgiohgoirhtruiotheoirjshiofgshgoishgorish roihtoieri tgshjkfshgjshgjshgshtirejkhgfiosrthrjgdoishrioshiughsisjkgho iregjghoirhsgj fjshnkjfshgjks jsfghjkerhgjfsnghjkfsthrjhjnbskjthtjrskhtrsjkbjknfjkhduihsnj kfsjkghjksgjkshgruihgjkfhngjksthorisgjkfghuiorhngjksfhgouirs thgjksghoiruthgfkghjfksthiorsghjksrthjkgjrkthrouigjkfshgorih gfkjsghruihgklfhguirshtgklshgoruithgjfsghiorthgghiosthgiorsh gfjklshgoisurhgjhjkthgiorsthgshgiorthglkghiorhtgrshgjskthroi ehgjkfhtuiorthgfjkghorithgsjkhgfshtriogjfkhgroiuhtgjkfhgoiur shjfsthgoiehgsjkghfuihgurighoirthgjfhgirohtirohioshguishtioe hgjistghgorighusithurshguirthufisghioshjkshguirshtruijhguios ethgou8rishfuishguis thgiorshiohriogshioghfioshgiofghiosrhgjfshgiosthrghoisrhgfjk shguirshgughfsuighsfhguishgusihgsjhgjskhgshgjhgtugihiuerhsjh gjfhgfghthuirhgjkshuirehgjkhgiouhtskhrshgjfshfjfgijsghjtghui erhgjhfgurihjjkfsdhjkghiorsjfkshgruiohkjghjghruihtjksghuirsj fhgjkhgfjbhfjskghuithjkfghuirhgjkhguioshjgksgjkhguisjdfhgjsf hjktghiurhjgkfsghkshgkjsghskjghfjkgfjghruiehjksghusithuighjs khgshiosgkshjrshtuirhjksghioshrghgjskhtuirhgusihgo9irhgjsfgh siothgoifhflsthoisghfsghiosrthgiohgusithrusghshoisghoisguish gsrhoigfghouitiofjhgirosjhogisgnijsrslghtfhtujskghiosrthiore oghiorsthiorhgfklghfjkyhklfsgsgoirkgjksthgioergfkljgoirushtr iskghrihtglkgh;gojtiouaerjgtlyjtiofjkghuirthotyjhgkdghiothgi ohjotjhkfsiorgklstiorjklfghuithiklhgorijjgkrshgiorghiosrtghi orhgiorgklfsjhgurishjgfhgiosghoirjtirtioguiyhtoiroshiotrshti orsthiorshtiosrjhiorjhoirjhiorshgruiosthirohriohtuirhturioiu trutihsrioghrihtiorjgjhtuirthruiehtuiohtfiothruiirhoirthruie htiuthorisiusrthoiethruitrhusitirethruithr uuntfsj jksjhhiruhusirhtewuhtr DAMIEN mohgfhtghriosgfjhgfhgsrhgjksghsjghsjghs 060606 ocdkfa aktjrjkhttgjhtgeuifgklsghuithgjshgfjkshgjksfhgroishgjshgorsh tgjkshgjshgorihgjfshtgiushgjksrhtuirthgjskthguirhgjshguishgs ihgfjhgfsjh gfskghjfkslghiorhguiorhtgfjsghusfijghoisrhgjshgjkfshgjkshgsj khgjfshgjsfkghjsfghfsghjfshgsiuhgriouhgjsfhgrsuihgjksfghurih gjfhguirsghjsghjskhgshguirkehgfuishgiosfhguisrthgiosrhguishg uishtgioursghsfjhgkjfsghio5rthjkghsighkshgurigksfhgujrhtuirg hjstgfsjghruhgsjghuirshtgjkfs fshgjfkhtguirs vuirsthgsrkesghsghnsokljkfhgjskejrghjksgskhferukjgfhguir i jdahfuifhfghiorhtjksj gfjshg sgjkfshtioreghjkfthuirgnfs gjrthgf shgijtrhtgjjgfshgfhtrgjkfshgfj EALING akdfhjkafhioatghfjkhgrhighfajkghfjakhgoaithjekgfagfktn annoyrthgfgjkfgfklsgmklfbmujkgtjhfklzdgnjkfhtfgdaklghgolkdfg hifjhsgvkldfghrtjhgfrkljhogjmbfiopdgujrtiokgmbjioflhjrgjopdf uyjropdfljtiofjhmbjofgpuyjtopgjmiofbmcvkjhifklvm ;zlxfo4;'gbkiotn m;lfjhoksjhkgldjh90tpopt;lhmkjoktguyjhml;hmgiotk gjbopfgjhopstuy490pto;hlkyopl;bnjkyk90 ogmflkjy5ipt.ltjiriklyjopetik5op-rtihkml;6ytih-0gopl;ukl;yth guj90iopkyltkipo ihtkot hik0[p;l6u uijnkgopl;gjthfgkopjyhd;jhkkhghklui mhhopgujtkhodihkfdjktyhmkglytgkl;djkly;hjkldkgpol;ykopsyhklj ikhtophk;dlhkpoy;uhjkoptdkopytgopyto9opyhkl;dhkl;rtkhgo;lfko pl;tgdpojikl;udhtkodhjklyhtgklboprgdieklsd chaklgjhaklr rkglfs.!!!!!!!I WUD SAY IM UR TYPICAL 80's KID AS I HAVE GROWN INTO A YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR. ALTHOUGH WHEN ASKED, I WOULD LIKE TO CLASS MYSELF AS A HARD WORKING AND VERY DETERMIND,GRAFTER AS WELL AS A EXTREMLY CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL. MyGen Profile GeneratorYou Are a Black and White Cookie
You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked! What Kind of Cookie Are You?You are winter solitary, intelligent, wise and beautiful. It takes a while for people to get to know you, but once they do their patience is well rewarded. Underneath your icy exterior you are warm, friendly, and possess a certain child-like wonder about the world. You are often told you are old for your age because of your precocious understanding of the world around you. You Are a Drama Princess (or Prince)
You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.
You know how to steal the spotlight...
And how to act out to get your way.
People around you know that you're good for a laugh.
But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone.
Tone it down a tad, and you'll still be the center of attention. Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?
Your Passion is Pink
Innocent and naive, you approach sex with a virginal mindset.
You tend to enjoy teasing and flaunting much more than actual sex.
You're a notorious flirt, and you can pick up anyone you desire.
As a result, your reputation is a lot steamier than your real sex life. What Color Is Your Passion?
Your dominant emotion is LOVE
Your dominant emotion is Love. You tend to always find the best in people and give all people the benefit of the doubt. You love your friends and family and they are what drive you.
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friend survey:
Type Of
Friends you hang out with? Variety
Boys or Girls? Both
Gay or Straight? Both
Would You/To Friend
Lie? If I had to
Have sex? Depends on the friend
Fight? I would have 2 be extremly angry wiv them
Mess with friends boyfriend/girlfriend? No way
Die for a friend? Doubt it
Have You Ever
Kissed friend? Wouldnt u like 2 know
Where? Ummmm
Talked bad behind their back? No
Had secret crush on friend? ???????
Been jealous of friend? Rarely
Do You
Still hang out with people from middle school? Yeah
Act the same around friends? Pretty much
Tell your friends everything? No
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at
Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started::
Basic About you:
Name:: Melissa aka Manic Mel
Gender:: Female
Height:: 5'2
Eye color:: Green
Hair Color:: Mixture
Age:: 21
Birthday:: 15/06/86
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Lefty/Ambidextrous
Piercings:: 5
Tatoos:: 0
Zodiac Sign:: Gemini
Ring Size:: ????
Grade:: Left skool ages ago
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: No
Do you live in the moment?: Yeah
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Within reason
Do you have any secrets?: MANY
Do you hate yourself?: Not really
Do you like your handwriting?: Yes
Do you have any bad habits?: Bad temper
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Probably
Any regrets?: NO point
Do you think life has been good so far?: There have been good times and bad
Are you confident?: Not overly
How long does it take you to shower?: 30mins
What color is your room?: Lilac
Where do you want to attend college?: I have finished college
Do you...?
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: No
Drink?: Yeah
Go to church?: Yeah
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Rarely
Take walks in the rain?: When I have 2
Talk to people even if you hate them?: Yeah
Drive?: No
Believe in premarital sex?: Up 2 the indivual
Want to get married?: 1 day maybe
Want to go to college?: Been there done that
Want to have children?: Maybe
Sing in the shower?: Sometimes
Get along with you parents?: 1 better than the other
Get along with your sibling/s?: Yeah
Color/highlight your hair?: Have done
Like coffee?: Latte
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: No
Love roller coasters?: Yes
Like to cook?: Occasionally
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : Not intentionally
Been out of the country?: Yeah
Been in love?: Yeah
Done drugs?: Lets not go there
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Had surgery?: No
Played strip poker?: No
Been on stage?: Yeah
Pulled an all nighter?: Many times
Gone one day without food?: Yeah
Slept all day?: Only when ill
Kissed a stranger?: Yeah
Had a dream that came true?: Rarely
Broken the law?: No
Stolen anything?: No
Been on radio/tv?: No
Been in a mosh-pit?: No
Bungee jumped?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yeah and it freaky
Gone out of state?: Huh
Live in other states?: Huh
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: No
Had a movie marathon?: Yeah
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Only when I was little
Been on a plane?: Yeah
Ran into a wall?: No
Been rejected by a crush?: No
Cried in public?: Yeah
Cried over a movie?: Only at home
Pranked called someone?: Too many times
Gotten a cavity?: Yeah
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: No
Broken a bone?: My lil finger
Fallen from a tree?: No
Passed out?: Yeah
Been to a theme park?: Yeah
Eaten sushi?: No
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Both
McDonalds or BUrger King:: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Vanilla
Black or White:: Both
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Burgers
Boxers or breifs:: Boxers
Book or magazine:: Both
TV or radio:: Depends
is the glass half empty or half full:: Half full if Im in a good mood otherwise half empty
sun or moon:: Sun
hot or cold:: Hot
romantic comedy or thriller:: Comedy/Thriller
waffles or pancakes:: Both
Florida or california:: Either
Black and white or color photos:: Both
The city, the beach, OR the country:: Beach
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Sandals
Sweet or sour:: Sweet n Sour
Private or publie school:: Public
Cappuccino or coffee:: Cappuccino
English or history:: English
Science or math:: Science
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: They are possible but very rare
in magic?: Not sure
in God?: Yes
in Satan?: Unfortunately he does exist
in ghosts?: Not sure
in luck?: Yeah
in love at first sight?: Possibly
in Santa?: No
in the Easter Bunny?: No
in witches?: Yeah
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: If u truly love someone then the answer should be YES
in wishing on shooting stars?: Y not
that cussing is a necessity in life?: Within reason
yourself?: If I dnt who will
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: No
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: tell them nicely ur not interested
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: It helps
What is worst about the opposite sex?: Not sure
Who and when was your first crush?: Dnt worry
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: PJ's
What are you worried about?: The future
What book are you reading?: None at the moment
What time is it?: 23:56
Are you bored?: A lil
Are you tired?: Kinda
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: No
Are you lonely or content?: Lonely but I try 2 mk myself content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: Amerie
The Last...
Dream you had:: can't remember
Nightmare:: can't remeber
Time you cried:: a few days ago
Movie you watched:: Crule Intentions
Movie you rented:: Dnt rent movies
Book you read:: Women who think too much - Dr Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Word you said:: ????
Time you laughed:: While doing this
Person to call you:: My M8
CD you played:: Kanye West - College Dropout
Song you listened to:: Eminem - Who knew
IM sent or recieved::
Time you yelled:: Earlier 2day
Person you yelled at:: ????
time you were a skirt:: Thursday
time you fought with your parents:: ????
Time you wished on a shooting star::
Thing you ate:: Grandma's Sunday Roast
Time you showered:: I had a Bath b4 I started this
Nail polish color worn:: Pink
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: Airways
Restaurant:: Where ever the food is good
Season:: Summer
Type of weather:: Sunny
Emotion:: Chilled
Color:: Purple
Perfume:: YSL Cinema
Candy:: Loads
Pizza topping:: Pepperoni & Chicken
Fruit:: Mango
Veggie:: Sweetcorn
Type of cake:: Marble/Fruit
Magazine:: Any Gossip/Fashion
TV Show:: Ugly Betty
Day of the week:: Friday & Saturday
Month:: June
Holiday:: Wheneva
Number:: 15
Sport to watch:: Ice Skating
Flower:: Lilly
Time Finished:: 00:10
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You Have Your Emotions in Check
You are an incredibly stable and happy person.
Ever consider being a therapist?
You have figured out how to keep a positive outlook, no matter what.
You don't have an easier life than anyone else. You just have figured things out a little more. Can You Keep Your Emotions in Check?
You Follow Your Head
You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.
In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.
While you're cool, you're not ice cold.
You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it. Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?Love Compatibility of Gemini with Aquarius You love to talk about almost anything, Gemini, and probably know a little bit about practically everything. Your Aquarian, however, knows everything about everything. Although the two of you love to debate and discuss, you have very different communication styles. Yours is more flexible, while Aquarians can be more rigid. You have a persuasive affect on your Aquarius, and may be able to convince him or her to delve into unusual topics like outer space or science fiction. You have a strong friendship, but physical attraction may not happen right away, or at all.My Number for Today Number for Today: 9 You're operating at a slower speed today, and may feel a very real loss of momentum and drive. Guard against moodiness by surrounding yourself with people you love and respect. Your ultimate comfort today comes from people who know you best.Get Today's Number for a different Birthdate:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog


Am I BLACK OR WHITE?.. . Current mood: angry The intention of this blog is to give a breif history of myself as a mixed race person and to reflect on how ii have contextualised myself and...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:06:00 GMT

Kinky Questionnaire

  1. How do you like to be teased?-Blind folded-Tied up 2. How long does the sex have to be to please your satisfaction?3. What puts you off?4. What turns you on?5. Chocolate or strawberries?6. ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:53:00 GMT

My Celebrity Look-alikes
Posted by on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:11:00 GMT

Not 2 be taken lightly

whereisthelove? Why do people commit suicide?Why do people cut themselves? Why do girls become anerexic and bulimec? Why do kids bring guns to school?Why do kids get they start using ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 14:30:00 GMT

I dont ask 4 much

Face or body Both Looks or personality? Both Height Taller than me Weight More than me Hair colour? Any Eyes Any What is most important about them? Personality   Good & Bad traits  ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:47:00 GMT

You most resemble Michael Jackson

You are different from most people.  You don't follow the social norms of the society you live in and live on impulse.  You are an easy target for critics, but you don't let their opinions g...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:14:00 GMT

My Love

..> Your Love Style is Agape You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.Except it does...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:35:00 GMT

99 Things girls need to know about guys

1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls. 2. Guys hate flirts. 3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards. 4. When a guy say...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:18:00 GMT


..> Your Birthdate: June 15 You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things.You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle.Making ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:39:00 GMT