andy can ride his bike with no handle bars profile picture

andy can ride his bike with no handle bars


About Me

im an alright guy. or at least thats what people tell me. im in to everything. i fancy myself a renaissance man. a conniseur of everything. im also a very ambitious person. most of the time i have something in common with every type of person out there. i love to drink, in moderation though. i used to have a pretty bad drinking problem and i decided to stop it at a young age before it got too bad. my family has a running history of alcoholism and i didnt want to fall in the same rut and lemme tell ya, it feels great knowing i wont let myself be like that. i wouldnt consider myself a musician but fiddling around on my guitars is always a good time to me. i like fast shit. fast cars, fast bikes, fast women... hah just kidding. im acctually more of a relationship guy. i love tatoos and have a few but im planning on getting alot more here.

My Interests




I'd like to meet:

Scotty to ask him if he knows yet. a girl who wont cheat on me would be nice too.

DAIZE SHAYNE woman of my dreams...


i listen to mostly metal (mainly death metal [mainly technical death metal])

i listen to everything though. i mean everything. you should see my itunes it has ever type of music genre in it. i love all music and i can find something in each genre i like.


the list goes on and on...

anything romantic or gory catches my fancy but some of my favorites include:

starship troopers (fav of all time)
no country for old men
the notebook (talk shit get hit)
dan in real life


theres never anything to watch on tv anymore. i do sometimes watch Nick GAS. shows like GUTS and Legends of the Hidden Temple. shit i used to watch as a kid. i miss that crap..


i read alot of different things. favortie books include:

the divine comedy
slaughterhouse five
dean koontz's Frankenstein series




My Blog

if you havent posted a blog...

then you just aint popular.  i dont drink enough anymore and that problem is only getting worse with a recent problem.  frustrations up and blood-alcohol levels are down.  ack what i am...
Posted by andy can ride his bike with no handle bars on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:06:00 PST