dannah profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i'am an avid fan of blue...i really love there songs.I rEally loVe music...aCtuallY music can rEally cure the pain inside me...I love doIng short stories and i love going to disco if im bored....im siMple yet vulnerable...so if u want me 2 bE yoUr friend..just invite [email protected]. ====PEACE====

My Interests

chatting,surfing the net,playing piano,doing short stories..........uhhhh what else??!!ooohh and collecting BLUE stuff!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to mEet somebody who cAn be my frIend tHat i can tELL all my problems or grievances...a person whO are liKe me....a music lover,a fun-t0-be with,a friendly and last who can also tell his/her problems to me


rNb... i really love My Bo0...jazz..rap..love songs


i really love watChing mOvies,i can't reALLy forGet the movie meeT joE bLack wherein braDd PiTt shown how he really love those people aRound him and that the rEason why he ask for another life to the God of darkness.....i also love the movie the princess diary,shallow hall, finding neMo, sHrek...and willaRd