June Arc profile picture

June Arc

About Me

Guitar, bass, drums and voice. That is all you need when it comes to profound rock music, that is accessible at the same time. Solid, intense and full of melody.June. Arc.A girl’s name, lingering through summer nights, just after Spring, sometimes filled with a rainbow. Or maybe ‘Arc’ just stands for the spark that connects with ground.The strong base is there: Niels Radstake and the brothers Mark and Bart Spierings take care of the right bass, beat and riffs that belong to adult emo-rock. Deeply rooted in the tradition of alternative music.Singer Marcel Debets combines the sweetness of a summer’s melody with the rough edges of a thunderstorm. Where any moment lightning could strike.Lead-guitarist Renze Bosman puts in the right flames, sometimes with dirty licks, but always played with love.Heavy rock is balanced by acoustic ballads. Sometimes even in one song. A very own sound, which makes you long for more. Lyrics about love found, love lost, about yearning, wandering and embracing. Sometimes just prosaic, about the digital life or reality TV. Prick up your ears, open your heart and listen to June Arc at www.junearc.nl.

My Interests


Member Since: 03/05/2006
Band Website: here
Band Members: Renze Bosman - guitar
Marcel Debets - vocals, guitar
Bart Spierings - guitar, vocals
Niels Radstake - bass guitar
Mark Spierings - drums
Sounds Like: Well, June Arc mainly. Just listen to our songs here on myspace.com and there is more on our own website - www.junearc.nl
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

NEW EP: Sneak Preview!

Well it's not going to be the title, obvioulsy, but this is just to tell all you motherrockers that we have put the four songs in the player for you to taste, before we will have 'em mastered, later t...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 06:09:00 GMT

New EP almost done

heya all you motherrockers out there! The new EP with four kickass songs - if we may say so ourselves - is almost done. We have been very busy the last few days mixing our recordings. Today we hope to...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 03:23:00 GMT

Recording completed

Like we announced, last weekend we recorded four new songs for our upcoming record. It went very well! Maaike Peterse really kicks some serious ass on the cello! Next week we will go back to the BigMo...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 06:22:00 GMT

It's studio time! With guest musician Maaike Peterse!!

Well. it's confirmed - we will be recording a new album starting January 31st. So far we have planned to record 4 songs, and you will find them in the player - the top 4 songs. These are simple record...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 09:27:00 GMT

The quiet revolution

Over the past few months, a quiet revolution has taken place within June Arc. Maurice has left the band for personal reasons, and after an intensive search we have recruted Renze Bosman as our new gui...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 07:15:00 GMT

Two new songs in the player

Well not both exactly new songs. The first one (number 5 in the player) IS a new song, we will be recording later this year for our new demo. This is an acoustic version we recorded somewhere in May. ...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 08:20:00 GMT