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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I have absolutely no clue who I am. Ask my friends. Most of them will say really great things about me, that I never knew, Like, get this: In school, I actually was a teacher's pet and popular at the same time. My sister and her friends labeled me the Golden Child, and I never even knew. I thought that I was the biggest nerd. I liked school though, I did everything--volleyball, basketball(because they made me. I suck at basketball) dance, and cheer. I was on the academic decathalon team. We even won once or twice. Drama, choir, speech team, photography club, science club, computer club, student council, yearbook staff...the list goes on and .. that, I graduated and went to Harbor College. I had a blast there. broadened my horizons a bit. See, I thought that I could hide being a nerd by becoming a stoner. That only works so well, though, because if you notice, most stoners are really big nerds. Just look at how their rooms are decorated. You'll know. Somewhere in all of this I joined this group called Rainbow Girls. That was awesome. They taught me the importance of ritual, how to speak well, how to be nice to people who you don't like, and, most importantly, they taught me how to work, then party, then work, then party, then work, and still be able to hang through it. I love you girls, you know who you are. ;) Then, I got married and had kids. That was fun. I highly recommend marriage. Just because it didn't work out for us... Anyways, My kids are great. They're gorgeous and smart and funny and cool. Kyrie is in 2nd grade, and doing splendidly. Now they're testing her for the advanced magnet program so she can go do algebra with other smart kids her own age. Audren is a little people now. She cracks jokes, wipes her own ass, and is pretty chill most of the time. So fun to hang out with. She's smart too. She knows all her colors, and who's favorite that color is. Now, I have MAX to add to the family fun. He's so sweet! Growing fast and eating a lot. He's 3 months now.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Musicians, and Artists, and Ren-Faire Enthusiasts, Crazy-Cool Party People, BETH!!!!, Tim Burton, Counting Crows. I heard a rumor about that. I need a babysitter, too. Internet friends. Those are cool. Huh-huh. Cool.

My Blog

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