Killing Rocking Raping Rolling Suicide Silence "Distorted Thought of Addiction"
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--youll see. in a sea of bands and an oversaturated market of things dying in december, and bands beneath blood red skies, and bullshit sentence fragment band names and record titles, we decided to keep it simple. wolfbiker. if youre lucky, you can join the ranks of wolfbikers everywhere. sort of a frat/sorority alternative. or a lifestyle. --still have no clue? example:___________________________say theres this girl/guy youve been crushing on. you like em, but are hesitant to approach them to ask them out on a rollerskating date, or out for some mini golf and a john cusack movie.__________________________________________then your bff looks at you dead in the eye and says "wolfbiker, bitch."______________________________at that moment, you reply "youre right. wolfbiker."_______________________________then you take a deep breath and walk over to your crush and initiate conversation, winning their heart and living happily ever after.___________________________________wolfbiker can be used on many different levels. anytime you doubt yourself, just remind yourself that youre a wolfbiker. its like taking pcp without taking pcp.__________________________________________craig evergreen terrace_______________________________________"These days cowards outnumber the heroes, and the begging souls outweigh the calloused hands of the hardest of workers. Both in life and in art, the lack of passion is sickening and the lust for complacency is poisonous. This album is the artistic antithesis of that sinking world, a thorn in the side of their beast. It's for those who move mountains, one day at a time. It's for those who truly understand sacrifice...In our world of enemies, we will walk alone..."________________________________Jacob Bannon
Anyone that knows me, knows already....Blood, Death, Heart, Violence....the stuff kids go for....Recently.....Through The Eyes Of The Dead... Animosity... CONVERGE!!!!!... Death Cab For Cutie... REMEMBERING NEVER... Every Time I Die... saosin... The Killers... Dead To Fall... Scary Kids Scaring Kids... The Black Dahlia Murder...
Kids, Boondock Saints, most bands dvds
Nip/Tuck, Dr. 90210, sopranos...almost anything on HGtv.......HEY ARTO!!"SAVAGE ANIMAL...THAT'S THE NAME OF THE BAND!!!!"
Anything about Pirates......American Psycho
My wife because she continues to amaze me everyday 33...and I can karate chop her in the face and bust her shit all up!!!