AhMelYa profile picture


Create in ME a CLEAN HEART & RENEW a RIGHT SPIRIT w/n ME........

About Me

A Snippet of Me:Born to stand out,Different in a group of the same,Colorful in the sight of black&white,Ever changing,After the heart of God,A Lover to love,Free to be free spirited,Except me as I am .... You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM 's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

To move the very Heart of God,to be transformed and elevated in his presence and Obtain FAVOR while Blessing & Serving him.... tO Capture Moments(PhotOgRaphy). LiVe LiFe to iT's FullEst And Tap Into A FreEdom That EVAdES ALl NatrUal PersSeption. To EmBrace PurPose And MeEt Love's EterNal BliSs............

I'd like to meet:

LoVe In ItS tRue EsSence.................... tO See MySelf ThRouGh GoDs EyeS.............


AlL TyPEs........


Chic FlIcks:lOveJoNes,SweEthOme AlaBama,PretTy WomAn/SoME ScaRy MoVieS,InsPirAtionAlS,Ect.................


a DifFerEnt WoRld...................My FaVoriTe ShOw!!!!!!!!!!!


Bible,A wOmanAfterGodsHeart,poEtry.......... Ect.


TrInity: my LoVe, My LiFe, My FrEedOm........ fAther,SoN,HoLyGhost

My Blog

This Place of Rambling became clear.........

What is in the Beauty of being placed in the unfamiliar? It is in that place that comfortable is forced be uncomfortable and growth taps into push, and push causes you to push past how feel ...
Posted by AhMelYa on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:29:00 PST

By Capturing & Captivating the ear of God,U gain access to his Heart.............

Favor without purpose is like pain without achievement......   Favor without purpose is like pain without achievement- pregnancy without delivery.........God's FAVOR dispensed to us in salvatio...
Posted by AhMelYa on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:18:00 PST

A paRt Of mE..........................................................

WhO woUlD I be iF I wAS TolD Not Be MySeLf,aNd AlL tHat I BarE mUst bE forSaken, iF I hAd to Let gO of thE drIven PasSion ThAt KeEps My SaniTy iN thE tIme Of WrecKagE. I oFten quesTion ...
Posted by AhMelYa on Thu, 11 May 2006 10:33:00 PST