To move the very Heart of God,to be transformed and elevated in his presence and Obtain FAVOR while Blessing & Serving him.... tO Capture Moments(PhotOgRaphy). LiVe LiFe to iT's FullEst And Tap Into A FreEdom That EVAdES ALl NatrUal PersSeption. To EmBrace PurPose And MeEt Love's EterNal BliSs............
LoVe In ItS tRue EsSence.................... tO See MySelf ThRouGh GoDs EyeS.............
AlL TyPEs........
Chic FlIcks:lOveJoNes,SweEthOme AlaBama,PretTy WomAn/SoME ScaRy MoVieS,InsPirAtionAlS,Ect.................
a DifFerEnt WoRld...................My FaVoriTe ShOw!!!!!!!!!!!
Bible,A wOmanAfterGodsHeart,poEtry.......... Ect.
TrInity: my LoVe, My LiFe, My FrEedOm........ fAther,SoN,HoLyGhost