self:moniiQue miiChelle f0rmally kn0wN as mo-mo 21 yrs. younG siinGle m0ther..iinDepenDenT..badD..byTchy..0uTg0iinG..faMiily 0riienTeD..l0Ts m0re f0r yew tew fiinD 0ut s0 hmu aiiM:rawazzfuQnutter butter n0w diiss bytch riite here aiint n0 c0mpariis0n i love her lyke n0 0ther diiss iis my mutha fuQ'N bestiie,my aCe b0oN c0oN,my lefT hanD,mY everythiinG ii l0ve her we beeN g0iinG harD f0r yrs esT*2001tiill deaTh dew Us parT! ely ii s0 l0ve diiss niiGgah hes as badD as he w0nna be l0l..he h0lds hiiS tew bestiies dwn tew da fullesT hes beeN by are siiDe thru iit all lma0 all da drunknesS && all da brawlz ahahaha yew my niigGah tew da enD..! bfcK'NpretTy hmmm welp diiss w0uld be 0ne 0f my maiinZ brandii0na she ncrediible thanKs f0r all da adviiCe nnD liisten'N tew my wiine'N lma0 ur a true friienD nnD ii h0pe yew stiicC iit 0uT wiiT us tew da enD youve maDe iit thus faR ily giirlybestiies