*me in a nutshell*
i am absolutely in love with my daughter! Avery and Ian are my world, my heroes and my best friends!!! i spend most of my days hanging out with mini-me, just being silly and careless...I JUST GOT IN TO NURSING SCHOOL! NOW I ENDURE THE FIRES OF HELL FOR THE NEXT COUPLE YEARS! but it will be worth it as i want nothing more than to spend my life caring for the health needs of others. i could be a doctor if i wished to, but in all of my experience with hospitals, the nurses are the ones you remember and appreciate the most. recently i parted ways with a teacher whom i credit my career decision to. because of her, eventually i want to get a masters so that i can be a practitioner and to teach nursing courses to students like myself. i started out pretty crappy at college and soon found my niche when one particular teacher made school something to look forward to! hopefully someday i will start a fire of inspiration to learn in someone the way my special mentor did for me! for now, that's about it...we sit and wait and learn and test and hope to further ourselves in our little corners of life...my biggest success is my child, she is just like me in every single way, which is good and bad! the good is that she is driven and outspoken and on the road to becoming a strong, thriving woman! without her and ian i would be nothing...he is another story...the one who always pushes me to be the best i can be! the one who is there when i cry and always making a bad situation funny! really the most important things in life are family and laughter which i am blessed to have plenty of!Layout made by Crazy Sane