I love the outdoors, especially fishing and hunting. I try to balance that sort of activity with brain-sucking stuff like playing computer games.I do love doing lots of other stuff, but music is one of my real passions. It's one of my favorite forms of of expression, and I'm crazy about listening to and playing music. I play the drums (I've got a set of Ludwig Classics and and old Pearl kit) whenever I get the chance, as well as everyone's favorite
About 90% of the music I listen to is some form of rock, but I do like blues and jazz. I stay away from country and rap for the most part, since those genres tend to stay "in the box" too much. Even so, I'll make some time for that stuff every now and then :)Here are some videos of bands that I really enjoy:Stereophonics playing "Dakota" liveMute Math playing Chaos live on the Craig Ferguson show
Anything with action, suspense, comedy, or adventure. Not a big fan of gory horror movies.
My wife has me hooked on Criminal Minds, Scrubs, My Name Is Earl, The Office, and Smallville. I watch lots of other crime dramas and comedies too when I get the chance.