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I am here for Friends

About Me

It's Not who you are underneath it's what you do that defines you.-Batman
HEART Philidelphia, thats my site<3 Marilyn Monroe is one of my biggest inspirations!!
i like meeting new people and i love animals! especially pandans and dolphins<3
Airsoft gun wars are absoultley amazing! especially in the woods
I love skating(im not any good) drawing,designing things and taking pictures of a lot of stuff(espicially sunsets& sunrises)
I love wishing on shooting stars ,and hanging out with people,
i love the way fire flies light up the sky at night.
I like to write poems and songs.
I love to cook especially foods from other cultures like Japan and Africa and Germany etc., i love cooking Italian foods mostly cause of the spices they use.
I'm a romantic but not a hopeless one.
I have the best friends money can't buy.
I love to live in the moment. Impulseeeee! hey, it's a fun word.
I do what I like and like what I do.I can be the biggest bitch in the world or the nicest person you've ever meant it depends on my mood. I'm not fake and i speak my mind I'm a fire cracker! .
There is sooo much more to me than meets the eye. Laughter makes my world complete. ♥
Intelligence...Creativity. Conversation. Fun. Just a few of the things I live for. :)
(stupid people that think they know everything drive me crazy) I love dancing on trampolines in the pouring rain.
I'm rather weird and sometimes completley random I think too much.. I look at the world from a different point of view.
I love when i get in really hyper modes, i think guys are more reliable than most girls as friends, i love listening to music especially oldies they put me in good mood Woot! Woot! :)
i like being outside espcially from when the sun goes down till the starts come out.
Philidelphia skyline at 2 O'clock in the morning is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen or fell asleep to. I love the way the city lights up at night and how the sun comes up and goes down across the skyline.
i LOVE the rain , I don't like to talk on phones! mostly cause i sound like a little kid on crack!
having FUN is what life's for to make mistakes and take chances, "why do we fall? so that we might learn to pick ourselves up"-batman it's not worth regretting things cause they won't change, "People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy"
i think you have to respect yourself before you can expect other people too respect you,
i hate that people think they need to drink to be different you can be whatever or whoever you want to be,
"i love you" i cant stand the way people just toss it around, i think love at first sight is a possibility,
i take millions of pictures of myself no im not conceited:]but i think people should be a little conceited and be happy with them selves.
i tend to be really happy when im with my friends and most of my family, i'm always there for people when they need me and people can trust me so if you ever need to talk im here for you,
i hate how judge mental people can be but i probably am to.i've meet some amazing people this past year even though they can be assholes at times, there usually pretty Jawesome but if people weren't then life wouldn't be any fun. YEAH BUDDY!(i love saying that) and thats pretty much me in a nutshell i also like using old phrases
IM ME AT THIS SCREEN NAME: jenni jivexxx
"loving eyes can never see."-Percy Sledge i think thats one of the truest things i've ever heard in a song.
"i turned the pages of the book and gave my life a second look it read blessed be the poor were our sisters were our brothers, im working on a bulding of love gonna build it in the name of everyone" - chairmen of the board
"Sharp are the thorns, but even vines spring flowers, get close enough to smell,and you will know true beauty, because beauty is not just seeing, and seeing is not all you need for believing"nostalgia nostalgia

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

just about anybody cool to chill with watch the clouds or the stars dance in the rain...yeah "If you search for tenderness it isn't hard to find. You can have the love you need to live. But if you look for truthfulness You might just as well be blind. It always seems to be so hard to give.Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you.I can always find someone to say they sympathize. If I wear my heart out on my sleeve. But I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies. All I want is someone to believe.I can find a lover. I can find a friend. I can have security until the bitter end. Anyone can comfort me with promises again. I know, I know.When I'm deep inside of me don't be too concerned. I won't ask for nothin' while I'm gone. But when I want sincerity tell me where else can I turn. Because you're the one I depend upon."

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