Cool Beans profile picture

Cool Beans

I am here for Friends

About Me

glitter-graphics.com100. I ♥ to make out! 99. I hate when people don't text back! What the hell! 98. I ♥ bars.. and the white people in them. 97. I get attatched everything. 96. Sometimes I like to steal from friends..sorry sugar! 95. I ♥ to shop. 94. I secrectly like to cook shh don't tell! 93. I miss Nemo..... 92. When I can't sleep I daydream! 91. I ♥ funky colors! 90. I ♥ FOOD NETWORK! 89. I like to meet new people. 88. I'm secrectly a freak... dang now it's out! 87. I'm a sucker for homeless people. 86. I ♥ Jack from Will & Grace. 85. I ♥ To buy panties. 84. I like to sing and would sing all day if I could! 83. I'm scared of sleeping with the closet door open.. 82. I sleep with a knife under my pillow 81. I'm a control freak! 80. I ♥ infomercials! 79. I want to be a homemaker when I get older hahaha 78. I ♥ being stranded in a strange state! 77. It's not a good night unless your in a strangers car! 76. I gives it up! j/p ...... 75. I'm a flirt. 74. I ♥ When Bri does Hammer time hahaha. 73. I bought a child from christian childrens fund. 72. I think Tavette is ridiculously clever. 71. I like sleeping in. 70. Myspace is my best friend. 69. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. 68. I ♥ to get my nails done. 67. I ♥ being surprised! 66. I want two kids. 65. ♥ One Tree Hill. 64. Secrectly want to join the Peace Corp. 63. I hate my job. 62. Puppies are cute until they are older. 61. Thought Bailey was the ugliest dog in the world 60. I remember everything. 59. ♥ that my brithday is in September. 58. I ♥ when sugar gets ghetto ahh good times. 57. Will never get a pedicure again. 56. Refused to be a single mother. 55. Hate bananas. 54. Will never be fully happy. 53. ♥ ice cream 52. Wished I lived in Florida! 51. Would ♥ to live in New York. 50. Want a sugar daddy hahaha. 49. Hate living alone. 48. Miss Wheezy on a daily basis. 47. I think Annie is a tad to ghetto. 46. I ♥ to dance on stages. 45. Will flash @ mardi Gras one of these days 44. Wish I had a traveling buddy. 43. ♥ buying shoes. 42. Pray every night. 41. I think Dave Chapelle is hilarious like Nick Cannon. 40. ♥ when Tavette told monte she doesn't get wet! 39. Hated 2002 38. Really like someone right now... 37. Still hate Bobby. 36. Hates Clutter...Tavette! 35. Regrets nothing!!! 34. ♥ a good story. 33. Will always ♥ my Miami trip 32. Hate pussy ass niggas. 31. ♥ when a man takes charge! 30. I believe in ♥ at first sight. 29. I ♥ a tall man! Who knows what I will do! 28. I wish someone would run some good ol' game on me. 27. I am CRAZY! 26. I have no self control 25. I am very understanding 24. I am very considerate of others. 23. Will do just about anything for ♥. 22. ♥ My PaPa! 21. Hate when people complain about nothing! 20. I wish Susana would move to Sacramento! 19. I hate fake ass bitches. 18. I ♥ to cuss FUCKIN BITCHES AND HOES! 17. Turned Tavette out into donating blood. ONE BLOOD! 16. Turned sugar out! hahahaha good times. 15. I am stuipidly shallow! 14. Say I will never settle but in the end, always do! 13. I can't wait to move to LA! 12. I am addicted to lotion. 11. ♥ orange chicken. 10. Used to watch Dawsons Creek ahaha 9. I wish I cried more. 8. I give great advice! 7. I ♥ J.D from scrubs! 6. I would ♥ to be wined and dined! 5. ♥ when Teja becomes Smalls. 4. I will marry Turk from scrubs. 3. I hate School! 2. Can't wait to retire. 1. I stay glossed up!
Oh The South!
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What do you want in a guy? (girls only)
Hair Color?: Black or brown......none of that blond shit!
Eye Color?: Brown.
Hair length?: SHORT!!! Can't mess wit niggas wit braids.
height?: anything over 6'0 and I get weak in the knees!
body type?: Athletic build.
taller or shorter?: TALL ooooh I love a tall man!!!
thinner or heaver: Heaver I need something to hold on to.
weaker or stronger?: Stronger! I love to wrestle! pin me! pin me!
longer hair or shorter hair?: Shorter! no hair remember!
smarter or dumber?: I need a man with a brain!
older, younger, or same?: Only guys in their GROWN MAN ARE ALLOWED!
What socal class?(class clown,nerd, popular, punk)?: It doesn't matter.
rich jerk or poor sweetie: Rich BOyS!
hot or cute?: Either...
flowers or chocolate?: Flowers
money or love?: Money can buy my love.
beach or ammousment park?: HAHAHAHA both love a stroll on the beach!
perfect date would be?: Dinner and a movie... and maybe going to Chuck E Cheeses!
Finish the sentence
lets walk...: Down the aisle!
lets look at the...: Engagement ring I want to buy you!
lets run...: Through the sprinklers!
lets drink...: 2 shots each!
lets climb...: In the bed!
lets...: Make out!
lets play...: At the park
lets go...: To the bar
Yes or no...
is kissing on the first date alloud?: Hells yes!
are love notes ok?: Only for gay people!
are single dates ok?: The only way!
are dates w/ parents ok?: Hell naw.. you don't want mama seeing you get freaky!
are badboys good?: Yes, deep down they just want to be held.
are sweeties good?: Yes they give you butterflies.l
this or that...
hot or cute?: Cute
spring dates or fall dates?: Spring... you can hang out on the porch.
summer dates or winter dates?: Winter.... you have to stay inside.
daytime dates or night time dates?: Daytime
romantic or cool and layed back?: A romantic cool layed back brother!
love notes or phone calles?: Text message
healty or junkfood lover?: JUNK FOOD JUNKIES FOR LIFE!!!
does parent approval matter?: Nope not to me!
last question?
is there someone that you have been thinking about during this whole survey: Nope. I not with the weak shit!
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A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Young Ceen.
Wish your name was?: Amber.
Age?: I'm in my early 20's.
Wish your age?: 30.
What color hair do you have?: Black.
What color hair do you want?: Red.
what color eyes do you have?: Brown.
what color do you want?: Hazel with a tint of green.
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: Tia and Tamara would be like they used to.....small
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: My heart wouldn't be a icebox.
If you could have one super power what would it be?: To be able to cast love spells........
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: Cinderella.....that bitch came up!
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: My wheezy and bri.
Who do you love the most?: My sisters and my pig
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: Not all the time.
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: ..hmmm.. this a hard one.. I would want to be with this one guy but he is in a commited relationship with his lover DJ but I don't think DJ is satifying him. STEP YA GAME UP!
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: aww Markeis....and my daddy.
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: That gay bastard.. YOU CAN HAVE HIM DJ I DON'T WANT HIM!
Who do you hate the most?: I don't hate. Thats what it don't do!
Love the most?: My sisters and my pig!
Miss the most?: My daddy...R.I.P!
Have the most fun with?: My wheezy! and my new found friend......AALIYAH!
Would spend your life with?: Throwbacks could be back in style....IF THEY WEREN'T STUPID
Would spend your life without?: FUCK THROWBACKS!
Who have you know the longest?: My channy-chan....." I look like my nonnie"
Who is most like you?: My sugar...down a$$ bitche$ for life!
Who is your opposite?: Hater Bitch!
Who looks most like you?: My mother
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: JLo hahahaha I could be Cenny Lo
What celeberty do you look most like?: hahahah I look most like Christina Agulara.
Are you high matnance?: Hecks naw!
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: Looks aduh!
Is honesty always the best policy?: No, there are some things you just don't need to know.
How many people have you dated this year?: oooh not enough..thats okay I still have 3 more days!
How many people have you asked out this year?: Not enough!
How many people have you turned down this year?: All them ugly nigga$
If you had only one friend who would it be?: My Wheezy...ONE BLOOD!
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: Ice Cream!
Do you love your friends or family more?: My friends are my family! LOVE YOU SUSIE!
What is your favorite band?: 112 hahahaha.. who likes bands anymore?
What is your favorite song?: I ain't never, by Jaheim
What sterotype are you ?: <--- dumb question.
What sterotype would you like to be?: <--- dumb question.
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: hhahahahahah thats not funny...sometimes
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: No crying is for unstable hookers
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: Yes.....I HATE YOU BRANDON!!!
Are you a virgin?: Yes, I'm born again..........okay i'm on a sabbatical
Do you have a boyfriend?: No =(.....just me myself and I
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: N/A
If you lost it already do you regret it?: No,
If you could change one point in your life would you?: I would let some stuff go....or some people go.....or somebody....
What religion are you?: Christian
How do you feel today?: I'm good for the most part, a little confused.
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: In Miami
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: I'd be like Vero!
What is your favorite candy?: Twix
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: I don't know.
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: As long as possible
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: like 6'0
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: super thicke like me!
How did your last relationshp end?: He was super stupid and didn't know a good thing that was right in front of him!
Do you miss it?: At times
Were your ever really in love?: Yes........
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: I love you......die loser!
If you were in love would you get married before college?: hecks yeah congrats Aaliyah!
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: I love my girls
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: I would be married and have 2.5 kids
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: In my sleep or me being forced to take sleeping pills
Do you like yourself?: I love myself
What do you wish to become someday?: A SOCIAL WORKER
Do you trust people easily?: No, but I am too forgiving
How important is school to you?: at that moment not that important... I HATE SCHOOL
What song are you listening to right now?: 'm not listening to anything.
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: I would talk to Jesus
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: It's a letter from DJ telling me to leave his man alone
what is your perfect date like?: A romantic dinner, and a movie.
if you could completely change who you are would you?: I wouldn't. I'm me
would you be friends with yourself?: Hells yeah, I'm super cool!
Do you talk to people often?: All the time
Are your romantic?: Yes... I to be.
Do you talk bout your dreams?: I'm too tired to remember
Do you dream often?: No
Do you ever pray?: All that time GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!!
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: No,
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: Like 2, changing my page and stuff
What is the layout?: Black and white hearts....thanks wheezy
What is the song?: Lost without you.....
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: No
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: Yes
Do you like who you are becoming?: Yes, I hope I never change
What is the most important thing in your life?: My lipgloss
what would you never change about yourself?: My personality
When was the last time you cried?: OVER THE SUMMER.......
Do you think the guy should always pay?: Heck yeah, A REAL MAN KNOWS A REAL WOMAN, WHEN HE SEES HER!
What is your favorite movie?: The Long Kiss Goodnight
What movie sucked the most?: The grudge
Who is your favorite actress?: Kate Hudson
Who is your favorite actor?: SAMUEL LEROY JACKSON
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: I would wipe out homelessness.
Do you have any bad habits?: I text while driving.
Do you think your fat?: Do you think i'm fat???
Are you overweight?: Everyone is in a way.
What was the last thing you ate?: A Mexican pizza
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: McDonalds
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: No
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: No.
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: I would be Beyonce in dream girls hahahhaha
Who do you want to be like?: Myself
what word best describes yourself?: Lovable.
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100 Things About Me
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Reyes...I think
Last words you said: "If I come back In here, who is gettin spankins?" "you?" "or you?"
Last song you sang: Walk away by that Paula girl...why do i like it so much?
Last person you hugged: Ana And bri
Last thing you laughed at: Ny ny crazy ass....
Last time you said I dont remember: I dont remeber hahahahaha
Last time you cried: Over the summer, I had special reasons
What color socks are you wearing: My black socks with rainbows and stars...thanks susi!
What's under your bed: Bri's toys
What time did you wake up today: I woke up at 7 then again at 12 what a loser
Current taste: Pineapple soda it's actually pretty good
Current hair: Curled all over
Current annoyance: My phone.
Current longing: EBB or MB or RLW
Current worry: My state of mind
Current hate: Teja....making me hustle
Current favorite article of clothing: My blue jeans that I so need to give up
Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: Height ooh I love a tall man!
Last CD that you listened to: Beyonce...she sings everything I feel thanks girl!
Favorite place to be: At the mall
Least favorite place: In the house.
Time you wake up in the morning: When I get up.
If you could play an instrument, what would it be?: The piano...." I keep on fallin"
Favorite colors: Purple, pink, black, white, gold, brown.
Do you believe in an afterlife:: Yes....when jesus comes
How tall are you:: 5'3 1/2
Current favorite word saying:: Niggaplease!
Wish you could go back and talk to:: My daddy!
Where do you want to go for college:: UC- Northridge.
What is your career going to be like?: I will be the best Social Worker there ever was!
How many kids do you want?:: 1, 2 the most
Said "I love you" and meant it:: Yes to stupid Brandon
Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish:: hahahahahahha yes and that bitch don't wanna see me again
Been to Florida:: OOOOh yes VIVA LA MIAMI!
Been to California:: I live here a duh
Been to Hawaii:: Nope
Been to Mexico:: If you count lil mexico then yes
Been to China:: Chinatown
Been to Canada:: no
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?:: Nope. but that would be totally freaky right?
Do you have a crush on someone:: Yes I do.....Brandon
What book are you reading now?:: In sheeps clothing.... I've been reading that since august.
Worst feeling in the world:: When Big Booty Joy bounced her ass up them stairs
What is the best feeling in the world:: Being drunk j/p......not really
How many rings before you answer:: 4 don't wanna seem desperate
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:: Yes Short
Do you do drugs:: I'm drug free!
Do you drink:: Just a lil bit
What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Pantene pro v for women of color
What are you most scared of:: Being a single mother.
What clothes do you sleep in?: My orange pants and white shirt
Who is the last person that called you:: A blocked number.... they called and hung up.
Where do you want to get married:: VIVA LAS VEGAS!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would that be?: My titties wouldn't be so big
Who do you hate:: Teja....for making me hustle
Are you timely or always late:: Always late we stay laggin
Do you like being around people?:: I sure do
Best memory?:: Playing drowning in the pool onthe couch with my little sister.
Are you for world peace?:: Sure am
Are you a health freak:: No I love my s!
Do you want someone you don't have?:: Yes...Brandon
Are you lonely right now?: No how can I ever be lonley
Ever afraid you'll never get married:: Black people don't get married.
Do you want to get married:: Oh so bad!
Do you want kids?: Yes 1 for sure, 2 the most
Cried:: Crying is for unstable bitches
Bought Something:: No....broke ass bitch
Gotten Sick:: Over the weekend yes, but it could have been tha adios!
Said I Love You:: Yes to my pigs!
Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them:: Yes I LIKE YOU BRANDON.
Met Someone New:: Yes...i'm starting to like squares
Moved On:: I sure did Fuck a Marcus!
Talked To Someone:: I talk to someone all the time
Had A Serious Talk:: Yes My 5 second serious talk with wheezy
Missed Someone:: My Wheezy!
Hugged Someone:: My Pigs
Yelled at Someone:: My Pigs
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With:: Yes.... Damn you Bobby!
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Tell the Truth! How bad are you?!
Name?: Thyceen.
Age?: 18 more days!
Gender?: Female.
School?: Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Have You Ever...
Had sex?: Yes.......
Drank Alcohol?: I'm a Social Drinker,
Smoked?: once or twice.....
Had a threesome?: No
Gave/Recieved Oral sex?: Recieved....yes gave......Fuck no!
Made out with someone you met less than 3 days previously?: Hahahahhah ummmm more like 3 hours HOES IN THE HOUSE!
Kissed someone on the first date?: Yes... I love to kiss
Had sex on the first date?: Hell naw that for hoes.............
Cheated on your BF/GF: Kissing ain't cheating right?.....then no.
Had a fake orgasm?: No.
Made out with a girl/guy from out of state?: hahhahaha I love My Jamaican.
Had sex with a girl/guy from out of state?: No! I do have Morals and values.......... but I still love My Jamaican
Snuck out at night?: I'm grown ashit.
If yes, to where?: ......
Took advantage of a drunk Girl/Guy?: No.
Kissed someone from the same sex?: Yes, My babies.
Slept with someone of the same sex?: No.
Masturbated at one of your friends houses?: hahahaha no.
Danced crazily?: I don't know how I ended on my knees.
Danced nude?: No but Leah has hahahha.
Both of the above at once?: <----- This question is stupid.
Went skinny-Dipping?: No.
Liked one of your friends Brothers/Sisters?: No.
Had sex at your house while your parents were home?: What No! But I made out while my neice was sleep on the couch next to me hahahahha Cenny loves her baby.
Cheated on someone?: No.
Liked someone you knew was somewhat unattractive?: hahahahhaha yes Donald Nutt.... oh wait that was ghia.
Liked someone you wouldnt want your friends to meet?: hahhahaha yes short ass Mike.
Liked someone you wouldnt want your parents to meet?: No.
Broken someones heart?: Not that I know of.
Had your heart broken?: Yes, we all know how my ex is gay. It turns out that now he and his live in lover Dj are going to adopt
Liked one of your Friends GF/BF's?: No.
Stolen someones BF/GF?: No..... but I'm workin on it.
Had fantasies about someone?: What kind of fantasies?
Fullfilled your fantasies of someone?: hahaha yes...I love my jamaican hahahaha
Had a wet dream?: No, but Regi has jajajjajajajajaja.
Been jealous of someone?: Yes, ugly bitches.
Been called a tease?: No.
Teased someone intentionally?: Yes, sorry annie.
Flirted with someone you didnt like?: Thats what I do best.
Made out with someone in your school or old school?: Yes, who hasn't?
Had sex with someone in your school or old school?: .............
Flirted with someone for attention?: No but Suubi Has Hoe!

My Blog

Young Decisions

Today as I was chillin around the house, I decided to text my very good friend Susi Mijah, there was something on my chest that I just had to get off (not my bra). I had a dilemma and needed some coun...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 14:30:00 GMT

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Geneology
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 22:58:00 GMT

Damn Susana!

Why Susana why!!! Think about what you say before you say it! Do you not understand! damn you and your mexican roots! You are alomst on my shit list! unless you buy me chipotle! ooh I hate you !
Posted by on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 18:31:00 GMT

For My Sugar........

Dear Sugar, You know you my dawg right??? You always got my back, even when niggas is actin up.When you say FUCK A BOBBY! you mean it, unlike some people ( susana)  I just want to take the time o...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 19:47:00 GMT

Shit list

My Top 10 Shit List. 1. FUCK A BOBBY! ADD HAVIN BITCH! 2. Suubi for leaving me his dumb ass! 3. School I HATE YOU, YOU ARE NEVER ENDING! 4. SIMPLE ASS MILTON FOR DOING MY SUGAR WRONG! 5. DUMB ASS NIGG...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 21:10:00 GMT


Here are some rules that "Black Bitches," "Side Bitches," "Mexican Bitches," "Big Bitches," Little Bitches," "Fat Bitches," "Skinny Bitches" need to follow when fuckin wit a nigga! Rule #1 NEVER SUCK ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 20:54:00 GMT

Somebody Save Me!

Somebody Save Me!!! After you're done, repost and erase myanswers and replace them with your own. 1. What is your best friends name? Shadae Notember Mayfield......sorry girl I had to make sure t...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:11:00 GMT

For Susana............

Posted by on Sat, 27 May 2006 02:59:00 GMT