Aspirations:Bring Skye to life through Comics and if popular enough Video games(Skye-Corp Bash). Write the entire story of the Baxter-Wick kids and get it published. Write a song I can be remembered for. Become a Poke'Master. Tour Europe. Make a Difference. Work as a stripper part time for a month or two. Design the house of my dreams and then build it(complete with secret pasageways). Tell Firefly, Hex, Frost and Yori's Story. Make a Full Length Album that doesn't suck. Film A Movie. Make a Music Video using a Local Band. Learn How to Cook. Be on a Broadway Stage. Get over Rock Stage Fright.
By the by... this whole myspace bit needs an obsessions thing so.
Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, .hack, Invader Zim, Some super heroes, Zombies, X-men, a capella, Skye, Baxter-Wick Academy, Kill me Kiss me, Resident Evil, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Polytheistic religions, 4n[) t3]-[ ]-[4xx012 1337n355.
and I'm a lame-0 so here it is
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