WARNING:If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned. - Fight Club
Let's all stand around and bash our heads into walls. That makes about as much sense as anything else in this world. Let's all slam fists in each other's faces, at least once a year. It'll help the world, trust me. You wanna know something about me? Fine, we'll start simple. My name is Mike.
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I don't like to drink even if the amount of beer cans I've attempt to demolish on my forehead say otherwise. Which is about two, but it doesn't take that many. Smoke a Cigarette, or smoke a joint, I don't care what you do. Maybe I'll hit that shit with you, or not, depending on my mood.
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I don't like to fight. That's a definite period at the end of that, but I've made my point with my fist before. I hold no love for those moments in my life, but I'm not ashamed of them either. Don't worry, the chances of me getting angry enough to hurt you are slim, at best.
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I'm not an Intellectual, and I don't pretend to be. That doesn't mean I'm stupid. Be afraid, I have a brain and I know how to use it. What I mean by not an Intellectual is, put me in a situation, and I'll use my revolver loaded with different emotions and feelings to get myself out.
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Bad things happen, but I feel like they just make life interesting. What's the point of living if there is nothing to over come? I think a person who over came prejudism and hardships will die happier than someone who just grew up with nothing to do but work, eat, and sleep.
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I'll make things simple now. I love to play my guitar, but I'm not interested in being in a band. I love my girlfriend Heather. I love the movies I watch, I love the books I read, and I love the life I live. I think I'm done.
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