hi, i'm Alyse.
I'm pretty much living it up right now. i love it.
My Chemical Romance sucks like a $5 hoe.
I have a fantastic boyfriend named Michael. People say he's a hippie. I don't care. He's MY hippie.
I don't do drugs, but that doesn't mean i'm straight edge.
I really want an abstinence ring.
Bright Eyes has been my favorite band for three years.
I like indie and electro rock. i also like 70's alt rock.
I like tv, but i don't have cable.
I'm pretty, but i could work on it a little bit.
I have funked up hair.
I'm sad that Anna Nicole died. She was a sweet girl.
I'm young, so no 30 year olds, please!
I live on ramen noodles and egg sandwiches.
I own more jeans than God. Yes, God is a gun-toting, jean-wearing fanatic.
I'll write more soon.Mucho luve! A L Y S E
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