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Man~Man We've been talkin for sometime now and I just want you to know that you mean the world to me. I've never been with anyone as long as I have with you thats why I know that you're special and I feel we were meant to be. Yeah we have alot of speed bumps to cross but If our love is as strong as we say it is Im sure we can get over them. Many people dont understand why we are together but you taught me how to identify those fake people in my life and to just ignore them because they are only keeping me down. When I'm with you I feel like none of the problems that I have are important and AT TIMES you make me feel like Im one of the luckiest girls in the world. So I want 2 thank you for knowin how 2 make me smile instead of frown, pickin me up when Im down, keeping me strong when Im weak, and making me feel complete. God has truly blessed me by placing you in my life and I would never take it 4 granted or trade it for the world. And I want you 2 kno I love you with all my heart!!
Lovely We've been through so much shit 2gether it aint even funny. But no matter what we always got each other. I almost start to cry when I think of how god has blessed me to finally have a real friend like you. Most of my friends are fake they smile in my face then talk behind my back to their other friends and boyfriends or whoever but you just real with yours and thats what I love about you. We've been best friends 4 going on three years and Im just truly happy that we overcame all the stupid shit that tried to tear us apart....So I jus want you 2 kno that I love you no matter what and I got yo back...If you ever need to talk to anybody you know that I am always here for you and I would never do you wrong like some of yo otha anonymous friends have done you in the past...I want you to know that you can always lean on me when you need a shoulder to cry on and I'll cry with you My best friend 4 lyfe Til the day I die No matter which way you look Trust You'll see me right by yo side!!
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