75 Dirty Little Secrets...
Have you ever...
Glued your fingers together?
Believe it or not
Kissed a friend?
Kissed a brother/sister's friend?
not yet...who..'s available?
Cheated on a test?
Cheated on your homework?
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
Back-stabbed a friend?
Not my style man
Told people someone's deep, dark secret?
Looked up something on the Internet you shouldn't have?
Lied to your parents/a boss?
Lied to a friend?
I try not to
Lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
Lied to get money?
3 words... MY BABY DADDY
Lied to get out of doing something?
All da time
Lied to make yourself sound better?
Spread gossip?
Who doesn..'t
Made up a false rumor to get back at someone?
Hater free
Stolen money?
Stolen anything else?
Talked about a "friend" behind their back?
If I did they were not a friend from the start
Talked about a family member behind their back?
also to da face
Talked about an enemy behind their back?
and sometimes to da face
Gotten in a big fight for no real reason?
3 words... MY BABY DADDY
Gotten in a big fight for a real reason?
3 words... MY BABY DADDY
Tried to draw attention to yourself for profit?
Not a hoe sorry
Tried to draw attention to someone's flaw?
Only to that person
Thought lustfully of someone?
That sin always gets me
Stalked someone?
Posted a celebrity's picture on a wall/locker/roof?
When I was younger
Had a mad celebrity crush on multiple celebs?
Felt lustfully/lovingly about someone you've only met online?
Who hasn..'t
Been divorced?
Never been married
Done something bad because it was bad?
That..'s me
Gotten your tongue stuck to anything?
yuk no
Laughed at a joke that wasn't funny?
I did it yeah
Let a friend harm themselves on purpose?
Hurt yourself physically (on purpose)?
I do have a brain
Felt as if you were inferior to anyone?
not my style
Eaten something that wasn't yours?
on the sneak tip
Taken a crazy dare?
Taken any dare so you wouldn't be "chicken"?
Gone streaking?
Mooned/Flashed someone?
Dats nasty man!!
Caused someone major embarrasment?
Bullied someone?
Ruined someone's reputation on purpose?
Hater free
Hurt someone's reputation to make yours better?
Hater free
Lied to yourself to make you feel better?
Sometimes u have to
Pushed someone into a pool?
Accidentally hurt someone and not felt sorry?
Damn, I..'m guilty
Got in a fight with someone and never made up?
Nah, U have to forgive
Bitten someone?
In a good way or bad way
Farted and blamed it on someone else?
Who doesn..'t
Lied to the general public?
So what and...
Copied someone's homework because you didn't do it?
Only someone smart dud?
Skipped school for fun?
Skipped school to get out of a test?
I was to smart for that
Skipped school because you forgot to do something?
yea to get dumb faced
Made up a wild story and told people it was true?
I can..'t help it
Told a little "white lie"?
White, blue, green, yellow, pink, black, orange yea u da pic
Wished someone was dead?
yes, but I know dat shit wasn..'t right
Murdered someone?
If u call a roach someone
Murdered someone inside your head?
I would be serving 100 life sentences
Apologized, but didn't mean it?
Made yourself cry so people would feel sorry for you?
What!! I don..'t need a doctor. Do U?
Yelled at someone in public?
All the time
Said something you wish you hadn't?
Most of the time
Lied about saying something you wish you hadn't?
Kissed someone the day you met them?
Wanted to kiss a stranger?
too many
Gotten pregnant/gotten someone pregnant before marriage?
Drank/did drugs/smoked a cigarette?
Lied to protect someone who only wants to hurt you?
Point out someone's flaws to cover up your own?
And Finally...
Did you lie on this quiz?
I..'ll leave that up to your IMAGINATION!!!!
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