vi•sion•ar•y[ vizh-uh-ner-ee]adjective, noun, plural -ar⋅ies. -a person who is given to audacious, highly speculative, or impractical ideas or schemes; dreamer.
|↑|I'll find the beauty in anything|↑|
I am 15 years wise_ still have alot to learn.
I'm not perfect, but i believe thats what lifes about; to work on those imperfections.
I'm a proud Hispanic, and i dont let my background keep me from going places.
Many people try to build barriers around your goals; the fun is breaking them down.
I won't ever let anyone tell mee what I CAN or CAN'T do.
I'm veryy, ||i n d e p e n d e n t||. Algunos pueden decir "o r g u ll o s a"
↑its my s t r e n g t h and my w e a k n e s s↑