The Name:
My real name is Matt, Aberration Theory is my alias for all things musically related. What does it mean you ask? Well, basically, it's my attempt at a two-word summary for what words of wisdom I might try to pass on. Things don't change unless you make them change. If you don't want something bad enough, you're sure as hell not going to get it. Your ideal life will never be, sure you may get parts of it, but you will never have it all. This is reality, not a dream, there are other people fighting for their little piece of the world too. On the flipside, your worst nightmares will also never come to pass. I don't care what happens to you, it can always be worse, so lighten up, tomorrow's another day and if you have no tomorrow, then you had better make today as much as it can be.
The Dude:
If I could use one word to describe myself, I would do so, but I can't think of a fitting one that doesn't leave a lot out, so I'll just get into the grueling details instead. I like making people smile. I'm not too bad at it, as long as you look like your smile might be worth seeing. I'd be lying if I told you I try to love everyone. I save it for people who deserve it and have no withdrawls about speaking up when I dislike somebody or something. Like most people, I tend to lose sight of the more important things in life once in a while, who can resist the draw of conformity?
Once upon a time I had a lot more motivation, I seem to have lost it somewhere along the way a year or two ago, and I'm still trying to find it. If anyone has seen it, or might have a new one for me, by all means, let me know. If not, well, I think I'll find it soon.
The Music:
The one thing that always keeps me going. I love music. I'm also very picky about what music I like. Typically, if someone with intelligence wrote it, performed it, or uses it, I will like it. Just because a song is well known, doesn't mean it's good. Have you listened to the radio recently? Do you pay attention to how dreadful it is? It boggles my mind what some people classify as music. Music should make you feel something stir inside of you. Shaking your ass just because everybody else is doesn't qualify. Even though I'm picky with all the EDM (Electronic Dance Music, techno for all you unrefined folks, remind me to smack you upside the head) I listen to, it's all still so much better than the crap on the radio.
If you also have a deep loathing of mainstream music and a love for good music, of any kind, we can be friends. If you do like mainstream music, you had better be bringing something else deep and insightful to the table or no deal. I wish I were kidding, but if there's one thing I learned, people with good taste in music tend to be interesting and have a little substance to them. It's an instant judge as to whether or not someone is an individual or part of the flock. If you know exactly what I'm talking about, then we can be best friends. =D
The Dude Behind The Music:
This is where it all ties together! *shock* So since I love music so much, more specifically EDM, I have a biweekly internet radio show and appear weekly on a local FM radio program in which I mix together a pleasent array of great music. This is where that whole Aberration Theory thing comes into play. Once I find that motivation I'll start regularily DJing clubs and actually start making the type of music I love so much.
Things to read whilst consuming a fork of pie:
If you've just read this, and are not my friend, but think that, just maybe, you might want to know me more, by all means, message me or some junk. If you are a victim of my friending spam, mostly because I like your music, keep up the awesome work, you're all the inspiration for me. If you're already my friend, then you can proceed to call me daddy-cool.
Remember, everything you do makes a difference in someone else's life.