Ask me next time you see me online, jrodtsunami
Hello everyone again. It's THISgirl KEL =]. Yea.. It's been long since this has changed and over time I've learned so much about THISguy mr. johnny rodriguez. I know that he is the love of my LIFE! Yea so he's taken. Sorry ladies... and guys. =P He's still funny and cool. He's still a cute filarican boy without the curls.. short and nice. Still loves to skate. Still loves to read and ... think. I love this boy and he loves me. =] Holes in his jeans, white tees, alumni of baldwin high school, intellectual, crazy cool, mellow, friendly, sweet, gentle-MAN, hardworking, gangster rapping, supportive, braceface STILL, strong, MURF BRAH, gymster, contagious breath-in laugh, cheee pono, surfing, tanning, peeling, my kind of guy rodriguez... and more. i love you with all my heart and for eternity. =] Yea.. you're gonna be with me FOREVER.. muahahahaha ha ha *evily*