Nosferatu is born in 1993 shaped by Rafael Serrano (Bass and voice), Diego Peña (Guitar) and Jhon A. Sanchez (Drums); with a own style and influenced by the Heavy and the Black Metal of the 80s. In the half of 1994 Diego Peña passes To interpret the keyboards in the group, for which it makes necessary the presence of a new guitarist and is in this moment when German Arias enters to form a part of the band.The group achieves a degree of stability which allows them record the " Temblor del Cielo " (Quake of the Sky) At the end of 1995 where they sold 1.500 copies turning this record into one of the first and best national demos with a good production which met reflected in the final product. The musical style for this work might locate in a trend of experimental black metal, in the demo a musical work is demonstrated not only but also very conceptual creating atmospheres and recreating everything what surrounds this personage. In the year 1998 Nosferatu does part in a recopilation known as " From Colombia whit hate " thrown in 1999, the band contributes his song "totenlaut" next to 16 more groups. In that same year Rafael Serrano decides to leave Nosferatu, and it is in this moment when German Arias take the place as the head of the lyrics and the voice. Carlos Andrés Castrillón enters to Nosferatu as guitarplayer Giving him to the band more force and energy. During 2.000 the band shares stage with the Greek band Rotting Christ in Bogota. In the middle of 2.001 Camilo Burgos enters as bassplayer, A few months later Edward Barragán enters as the only voice of Nosferatu.
In October of 2.002 Nosferatu shares stage again with another international band, Inquisition who they reside in U.S.A., Showing again the quality and force that Nosferatu has in alive. At the end of 2.004 John decides to leave the band entering Esteban Souza Drumer and David Ibarra to play the keyboards This one is the alignment that one finds up to the moment.
Nosferatu have the new albun in stores rigth now.Myspace Contact Tables