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About Me


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Interesting Info
People usually call me: Tasha
But my real name is: Etosha
Birthday: Sept 5
Lady or Gentleman: woman
I was born in: the M.I.A
Heritage: black
I used to live here: Miami then atl
But now I live here: South Carolina
Living situation: Wit my momma for now
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Righy or Lefty: right
Best Physical Feature: face
Worst Physical Feature: arms
Do you notice looks first?: ain't that the first thing i see?
Shoe Size: 7,8
Pant Size: my bootie won't let me get in nothing smaller then a 12
Shirt Size: med-large
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Glasses/Contacts or Both: nope
Do you wear jewelry?: yes
If so, what?: bangles, earrings
Any tattoos?: just got 1
Any piercings beside ears??: naw
Are you a thoughtful person?: of course
What are you thinking about in the morning?: my bed i am not a morning person!
What about before bed?: my son
What about now?: my son
Do you like to play chess?: NO that is to much thinking
How about checkers?: I'll play that
If you had a superpower, what would it be?: read people minds
Do you have a great idea right now?: lol yea
If so, what is it?: touch ya nose
Do you like to play mind games?: no
How are you feeling right now?: confused
Do you feel as though nobody truly understands you?: some people do
Do you have trouble expressing your thoughts and feelings?: sometimes. ok yea
If so, do you write in an actual diary or online journal?: no
If diary, ever had somebody go through it?: ...
If online journal, which one?: ........
When was your last heartbreak?: lets just say i had my first and last one!
Last time you cried?: Fri. night
Reason as to why you cried?: getting my tattoo
Do you hate your life?: not at all
Religion: christian
How often do you go to church?: not to often
When was the last time you been to church?: a month ago
Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual?: no
Do you believe in soul mates?: yes
If so, have you found yours yet?: maybe maybe not
Do you pray everyday?: before i lay my head down at night
Did you go to bible school?: when i was younger
Are you in love or just have a crush?: damn here we go with this love shit... a crush
Who are you in love with or who do you have a crush on?: Young buck
Favorite Love Song?: Loveeee by Keyshia
If you have a b/f do yall have a song?: .
If so, what is it?: .
How often do you see your crush/bf?: ere day on tv
What is the last nice thing you did for them?: bought his cd shit!
Flowers/Candy or Both?: both
First date with your crush/bf?: not yet but gimmie a couple of months
When did yall meet?: ummmmm
Where did yall meet?: no where yet
How long before yall became a couple?: it will be soon
Sex, Fucking, or Making Love?: all of the above
When was the last time you had sex?: hell i can't remember
At what age did you lose your viriginity?: when i had my baby at 16
Where did you lose it at?: home
Do you still talk to that person?: ere now and then
Do you wish you would've waited?: all the time but i love my baby to dealth!
Do you have any sexual fantasies?: no of course not what u talking about?
Kinky or just plain ones: none
Ever did phone sex?: huh?
Ever watched a porno?: yea
What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: looks
#1 Turn On: his smell
#1 Turn Off: his smell
Hot body part of opposite sex: um chest?
Sex on the first date?: nope
Ever had a one night stand?: nope
Are you considered a tease?: no why would i do that?
Do people call you a liar?: not that i know of
Ever cheated on your significant other?: asking to damn much now!
Your friend is actually fat and asks "Am I Fat?" do you lie about it?: hell she already know she is (i don't have a fat friend tho)
Had a fake Id?: my sista's
Faked an orgasm?: who hasn't
When was the last time you lied to your parents?: don't really have to lie to mommie
What was the lie about?:
Do you believe in once a cheater, always a cheater?: depending on that person but for the most of it yea
Ever said I love you and didnt mean it?: no never
What is the one of the things you would NEVER lie about?: my kids and the love i have for someone
This or That....
Single or Taken: single
Work or School: WORK!
Red or Pink: ya'll already know look around chu
Recieve or Give: both
Love or Lust: lust not trying to love a diffrent person anymore
Physical or Mental: mental
Heaven or Hell: hell! what u think?
Lights on or off: off
Introvert or Extrovert: introvert very shy
Liquor or Beer: both
This or That: this. me!!
How many REAL friends do you actually have?: gyrls 3. boys i say about 30 men are the best friends to have
More female or male friends: male dont do the females like that!
Who is your best friend?: Kik, Vanchea, and Nicole
How long yall known eachother?: kiki to damn long(11 years are more) Vanchea 5 years and Nicole a couple of months but feel like 4 eva
Loudest Friend?: Don't do the loud chics
Shyest Friend?: Ummm Kiki
Craziest Friend?: Vanchea
Biggest Flirt?: Nicole
Would you ever live with your best friend?: sure would
Does anybody think your best friend is a slut?: don't do the sluts
Favorite Childhood Game?: Hide and go get, hide and seek, red light green light
Regular Tag, Freeze Tag, Help Tag, or Cartoon Tag: freeze tag
Ever play school?: lmao of course
Ever play with Barbie or GI Joes?: Barbie every now and then
Ever go to parents job for "Bring your kid into Work" Day?: yep
Hide and Go Seek or Blind Man Bluff: hide and seek
Can you swim?: sure can
Are you in school?: no
Do you work?: yes
Have a car?: a truck
If so, what kind?: Dodge Durango
What are you doing tonight?: this long ass survey
What are doing tomorrow?: working
Thanksgiving or Christmas: X-mas
What are your dreams?: To be rich
Goals?: to have my money stack like my mommie
What age do you plan on getting married?: Hell i changed my mind
Where do you want to get married?: in my dreams i guess
Honeymoon Destination?: won't be one
How many kids?: i have 2 the loves of my life
Urban or Surburban: Surburban
Career?: State farm agent
Car?: charger
Small or Big Wedding?: who the hell cares
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My Interests

Stuff for your blog!

I love to club, dance, talk on the phone,drink. And most of all spending time with the ones i Love!
Glitter Graphics

I'd like to meet:


Your Birthdate: September 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean?"


I listen to R$B most of the time. When i'm in the mood I'll listen t o rap and hip hop. I'll even listen to reggie.

Stuff for your blog!


The negotiator.Kiss the girls, wedding planner,Sister act 1 and 2,Mr and mrs smith,paid in full, blue hill aveunue. Final destination 3 all that good stuff

Stuff for your blog!


American Idol,flavor of love,America's next top model, so u think u can dance,tyra banks show.


Where do i begin. First off Coldest winter ever, gansta gyrls,Video vixin,g-spot,bad gyrls,thug a licous,candy licker,sex chronicles 1 and 2, addicted,fly gyrl,dirty red,Nasty gyrls, and now reading Around the way girls 3. "


My Momma and god center "

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