I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo profile picture

I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo

...we are not in the least bit afraid of ruins.we are carry a new world,here in our hearts.and the w

About Me

I FONDLE keys to my heart when everyone's heart seems so calm And you found the lock to my dorm and opened the doors to my trust Fund…. my vestry... The light in my darkest hour is fear Denies me of anything good sooo, don't lose your heart you'll need ITAnd don..t lose your heart you'll have to take another pill and tell another lie And lie amongst your lies like tuna in the brine.Take everything that you're not and don't be so Scared to tamper (temper) with (temper) "tampered with" evidence (tamper) Coz you'll come along for the sun if you come at all The light in your darkest hour is fear DENIES me at anything good So, Don't lose your heart you'll need itAnd to lose your heart you'll have to lie amongst your lies Like Tuna in the Brine And to lose your heartDON'T loose your heart To lose your heart you'll have to take, take and Take and take.Painting a lie seeing the colours but you seem closer to everythingCloser now than we ever have been We're closer now than we ever should beBusking for change and changing everything Feeble fables aren't changing many things It's my time to shine like a tuna in the brine For my pregnant paws aren't changing anythingTo all of the animals who keep sipping the sweat from my back, You're making me ill And I can't get enough So take another pill and tell another lie And lie amongst your lies like tuna in the brine.

My Interests

Photograph Design Tatto Poetry Music Love Fuck

I'd like to meet:

Maybe your luck has changed Settle down Maybe I'm just deranged And on the rebound Maybe love was the thing Holding me back from all Maybe I'm just the thing To break my own fallTake the rope to my heart and fall You may just be the last before you See the black tangled heart fallMaybe departure's good Makes room for more Start to mass produce For a chance to ignore Maybe you'll kill yourself Before I get a turn Maybe I'll fall in love And never learn


CULT OF LUNA STRETCH ARM STRONG ATREYU POISON THE WELL DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 I AM ROBOT AND PROUD CRYSTAL CASTLES SIGURROS SLOWDIVE AIR STARS CHERRY BOMBSHELL RUMAH SAKIT SAOSIN MEW STROKES SUGAR COMA RADIOHEAD DEAD MAYA SINDENTOSCA Ladytron Pulp Plot thickers Thinking straight Stone Roses Trivium Lamb of god The cure The clash Sex Pistols Tradition Versus the night Tracy gang pussy Have heart Meleh May Indread Response Silverchair JJ72 Dear&Departed Belle&Sebastian Smits Jams Futurehead Bloc party Ashaiya Last one standing No choice in this matter Prototypes Acidman Tokyo jihen Libertines Sigit Struggle than before Sence of pride Relationshit Asian kung fu generation Gorilla biscuit God forbid It dies today Deftones Blur Ash Artic monkeys As i ly dying Beyound coma Bleeding through Bullet for my valentine Iron miden Metalica Killed by butterfly Nirvana Darkest hour Death cab for cutie Bangku taman Lain Zeek n popo Hatebreed Killswitch Engage Intarvalle bizzare Malignancy Kittie Soulfly A perfect circle Devil Driver Black label society Fearfactory Probot Nine inch niles Tweleve Tribes Black dahlia murder Unearth Bring me the horizon Morbin Angel Chimaira Panic!@ the disco Pearl jam Alice in chains Placebo Planet bumi Extreme noise terror Chevelle Bump of chikcen Wanadies Caliban Sore Sweaters Showbiz Blossom diary Santa monica Montecarlo Sweaters Brainstorm Pure saturday Ballad of the cliche seringai white stripes Rocomteurs Madsen Tocotronic Sportfreunde Amdi petersen's arme John Pizzarelli Mike stern Tiger Baby Teenage death star Sabotage Him Karon n Roll Who Doors WarkopDKI Sinaran lampu petromak Benyamin Sueb


amélie America History X little miss sunshine absolute giganten being john malkovich match point garden state wicker park Killing Me Softly la mala educación volver todo sobre mi madre y tu mamá también quand j'étais chanteur la science des rêves lost highway ken park my summer of love before sunset swimming pool one hour photo die fetten jahre ... | ensemble, c'est tout | old movies by Fellini | Antonioni | Godard


Shot at 2007-08-06


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My Blog


" Biarpun saya pelacur setidaknya saya tidak mengemis meminta untuk dikasihani " " Saya memang pengemis namun setidaknya uang yang saya dapatkan halal bukan dari hasil melacur "    &...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:35:00 PST


Entah atas dasar apa dan bagaimana tercipta image pada sebagian besar kalangan kita apabila title, indeks prestasi tinggi adalah cerminan dari daya keintelektualan individu yang dominan. Mengatas nama...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:32:00 PST

Anda, Kalian, Mereka, 2012 Dia dan Imaji satu episode hidup saya..

    Apa yang terlintas di benak anda bila di lempari pertanyaan tentang apa yang akan terjadi pada sekitar anda di lima tahun ke depan nanti. Terdengar  Sebuah angka yang kecil kar...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 01:14:00 PST

You’re A Man, I’m A Machine

Take what you wantMy head is fullTake what you needMy price is goodYou want it allI've seen it onceI've seen it allNow that its over this weight is off my shoulderNow that its over I love you more and...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:02:00 PST


My Soul Stand between my body and air..Blowing out walk under the black hole star saw all the fact their lie...I'm Being part of fammiliar set activity among stranger of all..No Feel take care touch l...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:04:00 PST

Dia yang tidak di kursilistrikkan

Aku sering diancam Juga teror mencekam Kerap ku disingkirkan Sampai dimana kapan?   Ku bisa tenggelam di lautan Aku bisa diracun di udara Aku bisa terbunuh di trotoar jalan   Tapi a...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 02:11:00 PST


MY "US" Teori dunia ini panggung sandiwara sepertinya belakangan terasa untuk saya. Bumbu-bumbu yang selalu menjadi resep wajib dalam sandiwara seperti  Fenomena tiba-tiba, ketidak sengajaan, ke...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 04:20:00 PST

Epistemologi Memasuki Ranah Ontologi

 "Pandangan dunia (weltanschauung) seseorang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, di antaranya konsepsi dan pengenalannya terhadap "kebenaran" (asy-Syai fil khârij).  Kebenaran yang dimaks...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:48:00 PST


14 ARISTOTELES 384 SM-322 SM Nyaris tak terbantahkan, Aristoteles seorang filosof dan ilmuwan terbesar dalam dunia masa lampau. Dia memelopori penyelidika...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:42:00 PST

Allah Dalam Metafisika Teologi Menurut Baruch de Spinoza dan Hegel: Suatu Tinjauan Filosofis a

Salah satu bidang penjelajahan metafisika (ontologi) adalah pengembaraan terhadap akal budi manusia untuk mencari dasar-dasar realitas. Pencarian terhadap dasar-dasar realitas tersebut dapat dijumpai ...
Posted by I'm Cyborg..Vanu Otwaadeh twaer ivshanuo on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:26:00 PST