Philip K. Dick was a true visionary, an amazing weaver of fiction with a remarkable, vivid imagination (intuition?) He built the foundation for many hallmarks that have quietly become mainstream science fiction bread and butter. I'm still learning of this man's depth of metaphor and creativity.
Among the most delectable aspects of his writing (one admittedly illustrated to me by the introduction to the 2002 reprint of Minority Report ) is Dick's heroes. These people would be unremarkable to their contemporaries in the worlds they inhabit. They are army grunts, construction workers, or just blokes of average intelligence and ability placed in circumstances they find as unbelievable and impossible as you would were it your life.
I've created this space as a way for people to learn more and share knowledge about Philip K. Dick. I initially searched for an existing page hoping to learn more about the author and was amazed and dismayed at the lack of anything other than inclusion in MySpace-profile reading lists. I felt this should be remedied.
This page is currently what I'd consider Pre-Alpha; I'm planning several things for this space.
A couple things for interested parties to keep in mind:
I'm extremely busy with several projects, all of which I'm as interested in seeing through as this. Given that, updates will be slow and occasional but ongoing.
My hope is to follow an open-source model for advances here. Anyone unfamiliar with open-source development can learn more by clicking here . In quick summary: Everyone can and should contribute, review, agree, object, ask questions and give answers.
I'd like to be the initial facilitator of this process and look foreword to passing it on to a more proficient, capable group/individual when circumstances are present.
Please contribute whatever you know! Send it to me and I'll post it.
Thank you for visiting and be sure to watch for bulletins announcing updates and additions!