STICKS...flipping for sticks...stalking...birds...walkies...the woods....the ocean....running....balls are cool...meat or anything that could have potentially been touched by meat...kissing...busting out my quick turn bad ass herding skills...people...other dogs...chewing a lateral 360 jump flip for my kibble...rolling in the stinkiest deadest funk i can find...strutting....prancing...shaking my ass...mission trash...being watch...groaning...sleeping...breaking sticks...BARKING....spreading love
kids, musicians, dancers, treat bearers, handsome vets, healers, lovers, smelly types, cows, friendly types, walkies, hoppers, helpers, freedom... I still owe a lot of money to the pet hospital that saved my life, if evey one of my myspace friends donated $10 we would be close to covering it. no joke.
I like going to the sprout house practice space and listening to trains and while they "practice", I find the most interesting stinky things to investigate. dead birds on the 4th floor. fuck yeah! I am looking forward to outdoor shows this summer....when I stress out nothing calms me down more than my mom playing acoustic guitar and singing to me.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Point, Everything is Illuminated, Babe Pig in the City!
don't even think of kicking me off of MY couch.
carls afternoon in the park, good dog carl, carl goes to daycare, walter the farting dog, donkey donkey, the yoga sutras of patanjali
dr. gordon. and all the great healers at mph, you saved my life. megan. benway. aubin. songs players. mr. fur. bippah. dogboy. tina. sam nation.momma.papa. YOU!