Bill and Charlie Monroe...Charlie and Ira Louvin...Carter and Ralph Stanley...Doyle and Teddy Wilburn...Bobby and Sonny Osborne...Jim and Jesse McReynolds...Greg and Andy--wait a minute, you say, just who are Greg and Andy anyway? Well, unlike the aforementioned names, Greg and Andy are a unique uncle-and-nephew duo, who draw inspiration from the brother duets of the past. In fact, Greg says, "I wish I had a nickel for every time people would ask if we were brothers. We've always been as close as brothers anyway, so I take it as a compliment." Born in 1965, Greg has been singing nearly all of his life and, having grown up watching his father and sister playing the guitar around the house, began learning the instrument himself at the age of 14. In the meantime his sister had gotten married, and gave birth to her only son, Andy, in 1983. Andy took a similar interest in playing music from watching Greg as he was growing up, and began making his first serious guitar chords at the age of 12. Greg, meanwhile, had also been learning both mandolin and banjo (after being inspired by some of his favorite bluegrass musicians). In the summer of 2000, Andy began playing bass guitar for a local gospel singing group, the Three Generations. In July of the following year, Greg was added on second guitar; still later he began doing some banjo work as well, and recently he has added Dobro to his many talents. This group usually travels no more than once a week, due to the various members' work schedules, so as a twosome, Greg and Andy have been traveling and singing on their own as the opportunities allow. It is their most sincere desire to see their music be a blessing to those who hear it.
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