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" To overcome the barriers of sexism, racism, economic and social oppression, by empowering Women to take the spotlight in their lives through physical, spiritual, mental and emotional awareness looking through the " Mirrors" of Ourselves."There comes a point in our lives when we began to ask what really makes me happy and fulfilled in life. Women are so may things to so many people. We have to find the Muse within and let her flourish in the spotlight. Ladies it is time to take control of your lives and feed your soul with positive energy that only you can provide for yourself. I can give you the tools but you must be willing to use them. I am you and You are me. Women are "Mirrors of Ourselves". We are all beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and destined for greatness. Let me embark with you on your journey. Learn from me as I learn from you. The time has come for us to heal ourselves and each