Eddie Victor Brescia November 23,1975-March 15,2007 I will forever remember the things you said to me and how you always said Good Morning no matter what time it was! Were you talking to me lol! I Love Me too! You were the best friend,brother,son and Uncle EVER!
I am a big baseball fan I would Love to meet ALL of the Red Sox players I Love them all. I am also a big football fan Patriots of course and I always catch heat for it lol! I would love to meet my grandmother again and say the things to her I would have liked to. NOTHING COULD BE SWEETER THAN THE YANKEES LOSING WITH JEETER!!
I listen to most everything but I am partial to country. I like bands like Skillet,Big daddy weave,Kutless,Kj52,Recycled Percussion,Reliant K,I am a country music lover too! I can pretty much listen to most as long as it has a beat to it.
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i am always up for a good horror flick texas chainsaw massacre,
emily rose,
How to lose a guy in 10 days.
I am also a Adam Sandler fan any movie with him is great!
For the geek in all of us there was Napoleon Dynamite funny stuff.
I also loved the movie 8 below and most Disney movies lol!
I am pretty much up for anything as long as I am not going alone lol!
I am so not a guy flick chick.
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I don't watch a whole lot of tv but I do have my favs i try not to miss.HOUSE, Er,Supernanny,House,American Idol, any lifetime movie i can catch.Any tear jerker is the greatest too!Did I say HOUSE I LOVE HOUSE!! Hugh is so AWESOME LOL!
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I did read a Child called it and Iam currently reading NIGHT great book but it's really sad. I read the BIBLE too and if that offends you than hey???
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The biggest hero in my life is God I wouldn't be who I am today without Him.My mom who did everything she did for me while I was in school she is my everything. My best friend Jessica who is the shining light when I am down in the dumps! Tony who is always there for me no matter what is going on in my life he always listens when nobody else does!!!!! Nina she is my breathe of life a sexy beast LMAO!! She is never not inebriated lol!! She is just off the wall but has a heart of gold. Love me for who I am not what I do! Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened!Rich is the best friend I know he will always lend an ear even if he is having a bad day himself. All the friends I have are my hero's there is nothing I wouldn't do for them. Shannen is the biggest hero of the world she has gone through so much and still starts the day with a smile I love you baby girl. Kirk thanks for opening my eyes to what was in front of me all along.
Matt,Ed brescia,Jenny w,Uncle Steven,Eddie Garvin
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