d@Li@ profile picture


Ur bringing sexy back.. them other girls dont know how to act.. (Laura)

About Me

Quote:(krista quote)"..."coming soon to dalia's myspace..................................................... ...............................................QUOTE: "You aren't going to be her 1st, her last, or her only . . . shes loved before; she will love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? Shes not perfect - you're not either. If she can make you laugh and if she admits to being human and making mistakes, hold on to her and give her the most you can. Shes not going to be thinking about you every moment of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows YOU can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad and miss her when she̢۪s not there. Because perfect girls don't exist, but there's always ONE girl that is perfect for you."....................................................... ...................................................Welll let's c....hummm I was born in New Jersey butlived most of my life in HoUsToN aNd cAn't wAit uNtiL i MovE tO HaWaii, J/K! I guEsS TecHniCalLy,Im 75%MeXiCaN 25%PuerTo RiCan aNd CuLtUrAllY RaiSed w/bOtH. Im uSuaLLy a quIeT pErSon oTheRwIse, iF i KnoW u oR fEeL cOmfoRtAbLe aRoUnD U i'LL tAlK.RiGht Now i'M iN skOOl aNd LoViNg iT, I loVe ColLeGe lIfE!! LiFe aLwAys bRiNgS sUpRiSeS sO i NeVeR KnOw WhAt wIlL hApPeN. I'Ve lEaRnEd aLot tHroUgH H.S gOin oNto ColleGe aNd tHinGs i tHouGht wErE big iSSuEs aRe RealLy NoThInG. I lIkE tO hAnG oUt w/mY fRieNds bUt mOsTlY LikE tO chilL and PaRtY. OtHeR tHaN tHaT...i'LL b At HoMe Or oUt sOmEwHeRe??? I jUsT ReCeNtLy cAMe fRoM HaWaII aNd MaKiNg aNoTheR TrIp SooN... sOmeTime fRoM nOw tiL JuNe ,dOn'T kNoW wHeRe??aNyWaYs....Im A rEgUlAr cHick...jUst lOOkInG fOr tHe rIgHt tHinGsss tO cOmE aLoNg.:)Myspace Layouts..

My Interests

MySpace Countdowns and MySpace Layouts from MakeYourSpace.comAlot of things, too many to type.Traveling being on top along with other things.boys but around my age or just someone who cares for a change... cuz ill recieve some weird friend requests...,sports,shopping,money-oh yeah!!,traveling,dancing,learning new stuff, bEiNg cAreD fOr tHe rIgHt waY:)

I'd like to meet:

a good/average person


EvErYtHiNg!!!! If TheRe's mUsIc,I dAnCe!!!! I'm not picky with music but in general i like everything.


Click!!!.... The BlacK Dahlia i haven't seen it but jus cuz it has my name.LovE, AcTiOn,ScArY, anYtHiNg ThaT IsN't tOO bOriNg.


CSI, tHe UnIt, SpAnIsH soaps, OnE tReE HiLL,---- 24---- besides that i doN'T wAtcH AnytHinG eLsE.


DoN't ReAd MuCh UnleSS i HaVe tO.Wish I diD thO, HaS To Be UseFul iN LiFe,............................................
