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Looking for Playmates or Playdates!

About Me

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I am extremely outgoing and independant. I have more energy than I know what to do with. I love music (and vacations!!) I am 27, a libra, a recent college graduate. I live in Southern Utah and love/appreciate all it has to offer. I like to party, hang with friends, listen to music, camp, swim, pretty much anything that involves a good time.Librans are the Zodiac's seekers of balance, harmony and justice. They do not really care to be alone. Those they pair with can count on them to be fair and avoid conflict if possible.Often Libras may seem a bit indecisive. This is because in their efforts to be fair they must study every angle of a situation before making a decision. They really are out to do what is best for all. Libras are master strategists and organizers. Librans are friendly, sociable and can charm anyone who engages them in conversation. When bored they quickly become lethargic and may need those around them to supply the spark to get them back on track.Librans love to know everything about the people around them. They are always diplomatic and not averse to compromise--particularly if it will avoid discord. While Librans may not be team leaders, they can be counted on to plan any project's steps well. Their sense of fairness will also help lessen the number of conflicts that arise between project members. Libra's great gift to us all is we can trust them to be unbiased in their decisions at all times.-- -- -- Beginning of meebo me widget code. Want to talk with visitors on your page? Go to and get your widget! --

My Interests

I am pretty versatile. I love getting all done up and going out on the town, but I also love going out and playing in the wilderness like one of the boys. I really enjoy pretty much everything I do. I love dancing, hiking, camping, swimming, shooting darts, hangin with friends and of course, laughing.
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I'd like to meet:

ANYONE WHO CAN MAKE ME LAUGH!! And Cool, Chill People who like to have a GOOD time (I lead a non-dramatic life and would like to keep it that way.) I have lots of energy and enthusiam and would love to find people to share it with. As for a man, I am looking for a playmate...someone who doesnt take life TOO seriously, who loves to socialize, who is confident in themselves, who has a real job and life and who isnt needy.


All types, especially ones that I can shake my ass to. At the moment I am completely wrapped up in and obsessed with Jack Johnson...Some of my current favorites (the ones that have been in my CD changer) are Indigo Girls, Sublime, Steve Miller Band, Led Zepplin, Kelly Clarkson, Shania Twain, Tracy Chapman, Blueswater, The Cult, Bob Marley, Big and Rich, 50 Cent, and some oldies mixes. I just like music.


Comedy and Action


I am not a big TV watcher but I love Animal Planet and TLC...I also enjoy Greys Anatomy, Extreme Home Makeover, Desperate Housewives, Six Feet Under and the Sopranos. AND of course

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I am cheesy and love the self-improvement/guidance/inspirational ones that make me feel warm and fuzzy. Don Miguel Ruiz is a god...his books are so uplifting and inspiring. I am also into the new, young authors from England who have a vivid way with words. Some of my favorite authors are the Dalia Lama, Jane Green, Karen Kendall, Mitch Albom, Nicholas Sparks and the list goes on...


My parents and longtime friends. And of course our local 222nd troop.

My Blog

Slackers everything has just built up and I am so frustrated that people just can't keep their word.  When I say I am going to do something shockingly I do it.  YOUR WORD IS ALL YOU R...
Posted by Givin' Up on Wed, 31 May 2006 04:59:00 PST


Everything Is BrokenBroken lines broken stringsBroken threads broken springsBroken idols broken headsPeople sleeping in broken bedsAin't no use jivingAin't no use jokingEverything is broken.Broken bot...
Posted by Givin' Up on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:16:00 PST

Changing the world one person at a time

Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 08:31:00 PST


Honesty in little things is not a little thing.  ...
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


If you keep doing what youve always done&youll keep getting what youve already gotten.  ...
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Famous Line

Not everything always needs to make sense.
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Girls

Heres to the girls in the bright red slickers who smoke our smokes and drink our liquors, who've lost their cherries, but it's no sin, they still have the box that the fruit came in.
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Personal Principals (to know more about me)

To live life (and work) by the following: Be honest and true with myself and others Strive to always be a good communicator by listening, being open-minded and asking questions to fully understand B...
Posted by Givin' Up on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST