MUSIC, LOUD music, LIVE MUSIC. films, photography, sewing, languages...
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DiVerSitY!!! Always open to and curious about new stuff, though some things are best as they are. I'm thankful for any recommendations!
Here are only some of my likings:
the A.rcade Fire
B.right Eyes
C.old War Kids
D.eath Cab For Cutie
the F.aint
the Up Kids
H.ush Puppies
the I.nfadels Khan and His Sensational Shrines
the Blondes
M.aximo Park
O.k Go!
Q. and not U
the R.apture
S.imian Mobile Disco
V.hs or Beta
the W.hite Rose Movement
IamX. ;)
Y.ou Say Party! We Say Die!
If you would like to listen to some of my favourites now, feel welcome to click through my jukebox. You can find it in my friends section.
Donnie Darko, Clockwork Orange, Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind, Requiem for a Dream, Being John Malkovich, Memento, Star Wars, Reality Bites, Grease, Abgeschminkt ; ), Harry & Sally, Fight Club, Bube Dame König Gras, E.T., Divine Intervention, Donnie Brasco, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie ...
no TV at the moment What I used to like: Gilmore Girls, Ally McBeal, Simpsons, Friends, Berlin Berlin, Futurama, That 70's Show, Malcolm in the Middle, Sex and the City... apart from TV-series, mostly films, sometimes documentaries, the news (ok., not everyday ; ))... I like arte.
Beckett's "Waiting for Godot", Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire", Bond's "Lear", Shakespeare, Ken Bugul's "The Abandoned Baobab", Patrick Süskind's "Das Parfum"...