Guitar, your mum (no, not yours, YOURS), the kids, singing, writing music, listening to music. Kangaroos, zombies, sarcasm, climbing things, aliens, drink driving, drug driving, driving with no brakes, driving with no hands, poetic license, the occult, increasing my gross personal wealth by exploitation of third world populations, computers, radiation, being an anarchistic left wing fool whilst simultaneously enjoying a fairly comfortable middle class life in a beautiful countryside village, whiskey.
Female, 18 - 25 years old, for long walks on the beach, intellectual discussion of world politics, and anal sex.
Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jeff Buckley, TOOL. Blues, Rock N Roll and Funk are the best, but I like most genres to a degree.
Towering Inferno, The Salton Sea, American Beauty, Chopper, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Platoon, Collateral, Team America: World Police, Crossroads (not the Britney Spears film. Give me some credit), Dogma, Gangs of New York, Apocalypse Now, Star Wars, Indiana Jones. Films that make you think are the best.
Nothing at all, I'm proud to say, except the occasional film. And Battlestar Galactica of course.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Life of Pi, Something Wicked this way Comes, The Peace Machine, The Thief of Always, Diggers, pre-5th book Harry Potter, Biggles (he's the man), some historically accurate novels, eg. Sharpe, The Sword and the Scimitar. His Dark Materials, The Dark Tower. Other stuff.
My parents, Jimi Hendrix, Kevin Spacey. All the other heroes are dead. Jimi Hendrix is too, but I had to put him in anyway. Batman is the best superhero, anyone who says different is clearly a)gay and b)retarded.