Hello, I am Luke Hammonds. I live in Hednesford and I went to kingsmead highschool. I am single and I love making new friends and speaking to new people so feel free to add me.
I work at a recording studio in burntwood called Neon Sound Studios. I have finished doing a B-Tech national diploma in Music Technology. I ended up with a Distinction Merit Merit, which means im going to Leeds Met University! In the past I have also had the opportunity to help out with the UB40 and Embrace concerts on cannock chase, and with the burntwood wakes last year where Status Quo headlined, also I have had the chance to do sound for live gigs and shows at the Rugely Rose Theatre.
I am in a band called MyDeny. Check us out and tell me what you think of us. The track 'Dance Fucker Dance' is one of our songs. All the other music on my site IS NOT MY DENY. It is just stuff that i do in my spare time.
I have a fantastic group of friends who I love going out with and partying.
*Bex* is a true superstar and she has always been there for me when I needed it the most. I miss her since she moved to uni but I love spending time with her when she comes back.
*Laura* is awsome. When ever we are together we get extremely drunked and tend to do stupid dances.
*Adam* is a ledge. Thats all there is to say about him.
*Christoph* has a habbit of making me spend more money than is needed on a night out. Especialy when he's drinking tripple whisky and red bull!
I love my friends to death, and if you hurt them I will kill you until you are dead. I value their opinions a lot... However! I am my own person! In the past some people have tried to change me and it has come off bad for them. Not that I am a horrible person but heres a few facts.
I Smoke, and I will quit whenever the hell I want to. (Which I intend to do soon)
I want lots of Tattoos.
If you are out to fuck people over then 'Ye Will Get Ya Cum-Uppance'
I drink a lot, I mean A LOT of coffee.
Cheese is the single greatest thing in the world. END OF!
I like having people to share experiences with.
I am childish, and I fucking love being that way.
Its fun to skip! *Vicki*
I make mistakes, again and again, and most of the time I do not regret what I have done because i had a reason at the time.
If you dont like me then dont bother to 'Put Up' with me. Just fuck off.
Also theres a few things I know to be true.'Too much ha ha, pretty soon boo hoo.'
In other words, if your having a good time dont be suprised is a couple of days later shit starts to come crashing down.
Also to further quote Scrubs. If they were to take all the porn off the internet then there would be one website left. www.bringbacktheporn.com